Chapter 5:

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I haven't moved from my spot for a couple hours. I didn't even go downstairs to eat dinner. Why was Taehyung doing this? I'm really not safe in my own damn house. So, now every time he's here... he's going to take advantage of me? I heard my phone constantly ringing. I reached over to see who was calling me. It was Jungkook.

I didn't even want to talk to anyone

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I didn't even want to talk to anyone. I had my head down in my knees crying. I heard noises from my window. It sounded like rocks. I didn't want to move. What if it was Taehyung? I started freaking out. What the fuck? I started freaking out rocking back and forth. My window opened by its self. My heart was beating so fast. Shit! Shit! Shit! Please don't hurt me!!! Someone grabbed my arm and I started swinging. "Get off of me " crying as I turned my head.
" Y/N.. Y/N stop open your eyes. Y/N it's me Jungkook" he said worried. I turned my head back around and opened my eyes. It was Jungkook! I got up and jumped in his arms balling crying. He was confused. He rocked me back and forth confused.
"Y/N what happened?!?" I was crying too hard I couldn't talk right. "Tae..Tae..hyung" I said. He grew quiet. "Y/N what did he do ? " he asked curiously. I looked Jungkook in his eyes still crying. Trying to stop my tears wiping them away. I told him about what happened in the kitchen today. And How I kicked Taehyung and ran to my room. I can see in his eyes that he had enough. As I was telling him what happened, I saw cuts and bruises on his face. "Jungkook what happened to your face?" I said worried. "It was one of the assignments. Its nothing Y/N. This is no big deal I had worse. This is what I get for working with your brother " he laughed. Jungkook picked me up and laid on the bed with me kissing me and just holding me. I was getting butterflies. We started making out until is phone started ringing. He looked at his phone and it was my brother. "Hello? What's up? Oh shit are you for real boss? Okay I'll handle it I'll see you in a few minutes. Alright bye " he hunged up the phone. I looked at him confused I wondered what happened. " Same shit everyday" he said. He kissed me hard and bit my lip And looked at me.
"Y/N stay in here don't leave this room. I'll be back in a little bit okay? " he said with a smile. I smiled back. "Okay Jungkook be careful". He smiled and went out my window. He ran to the front door and rang the doorbell. I put my head on my door to see if I can hear anything but I couldn't. I got up to use my bathroom to freshen up. I didn't hear my bedroom door open at all. As soon as I got in the shower. I went to my window to look out at the stars before I laid in my bed. I felt cold hands around my waist. My hair was pushed to the side. Who was this? I froze in fear. "Hello my kitten missed me?". I started tearing up. How did he get in my room? He turned me around and tried kissing me. I pushed him away. "Oh kitten don't fight me " he said with a smile. I tried calling Jungkook behind my back sneakily. Taehyung saw something light up he found my phone behind my back and hanged it up and threw it on the floor. He looked at me pissed off. Taehyung picked me up and threw me on my bed. I tried running to my bathroom but he was too quick and grabbed me. "Taehyung.. please please I beg you. Leave me alone! What did I ever do to you?" I said fearfully. Taehyung just smiled and laugh and touched my lips. "You did nothing kitten. I just want you. I'm addicted to you. I want you all to myself. Your mine!" He said seductive. He grabbed me by my throat and tilted my head up high and started kissing and biting my neck. His grip around my neck was hurting me. Taehyung picked me up and threw me on my bed. Tied my legs and arms to my bed so I couldn't escape and put a washed rag in my mouth so I couldn't talk. He started undressing in front of me. "Y/N your so sexy. You drive me crazy and your just so delicious." He said. "No wonder your brother leaves you locked up in this house. Your too beautiful and mouth watering" he said seductive. I started crying trying to free myself. He was fully naked. Taehyung started undressing me and every time he took off a layer of my clothes. He would bite his lower lip and start biting and kissing me. I was completely naked in front of him.
"You ready kitten?" He said bitting his lip. I shook my head crying and shaking.
I had to escape but I didn't know how too. I looked at the floor where Taehyung threw my phone and it kept lighting up. Taehyung saw it too and looked at it and looked back at me.
"Aww Y/N you'll get it back when I'm finished with you " he said with a smile. He came on top of me and everything went black to me. Crying in pain. I heard my window open. Omg please let that be Jungkook! I looked over and it was. I started crying balling my eyes out and shaking. Jungkook face was full of rage. Grabbed Taehyung off of me and started punching him until he was knocked out. Jungkook came over to me untied me and took the rag out of my mouth and held me so tight. "Y/N my poor princess omg. I shouldn't have left you " he said upset at himself. He went over to Taehyung and threw water in his face. Taehyung snapped out of it and looked up and saw Jungkook. Taehyung got dressed and walked out of my bedroom like nothing happened. Jungkook picked me up and took me to get a shower. While I got a shower, I let the water run down my body. I just closed my eyes and didn't move. I didn't even realize the shower door opened up. I felt hands on my shoulder and I freaked out. I turned around and it was Jungkook with me in the shower. Jungkook kissed me passionately. He didn't want to hurt me or do anything to me because of what just happened. "Y/N I knew this is a weird place and time to say this... But I've been wanting to say this for a very long time. I'm so inlove with you " he said with a smile and tears welling up inside. I got butterflies I was speechless. Did he really just say that? I started choking up and I kissed him. Jungkook held me so tight and close and wouldn't let go of me. I looked at him and smiled.
"Jungkook, I'm so in love with you" I said smiling. We both got out of the shower and just laid in my bed.
"Y/n I promise I'll keep you safe for as long as I live. I'm not going to let Taehyung do this to you no more. I just don't want nothing to happen to you. And the bad thing that sucks about all of this is... we are doing this behind your brothers back. If he found out what was going on between us, he would probably kill us both. But I won't let your brother or anyone else hurt you. I promise." He said. I looked in his eyes
Tears were welling up. "I believe you Jungkook and I don't want nothing happening to you. Promise you'll be safe?" I said. He kissed me and looked in my eyes and said "Y/N I promise".

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