Chapter 11:

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Who was this man next to me ? I was too afraid to turn around. What if it was Taehyung ? Or what if it was Jungkook? It doesn't matter anyways.. I'm done with both their bullshit. I'm getting taking advantage from Taehyung and I'm getting used by Jungkook. I should've never got involved. Should've just stayed in my room. But I'm still wondering who the person is behind me right now.
"Y/N?" He said. My heart stopped beating. He tilted my head to look at him and it was Jungkook. I moved my head from his touch. I sat up got my crutches and went to the bathroom. He watched me go in there. I slammed the door.
"Y/N, what did I do? Please tell me " he said upset. He had his back on the bathroom door. Jungkook started crying. I have never heard him cry. " Please... Please.. Y/N..." crying on the other side of the door. My back was against the door crying on the other side. "Please...
Y/N I love you so much.. this is killing me
I can't function. I'm confused.. What did I do.." crying hysterically. My heart was telling me to open the door... then the other part of me was telling me not to. My mother always told me to listen to my heart. I took a deep breathe in, I slowly opened the door. He got up from the floor still crying and just stared at me. Jungkook walked slowly towards me. "Y/N can we talk?" He asked. I nodded my head yes. We sat on my bed talking."You came back with the drinks and we went to the balcony".. I said. "No, I didn't I was getting us drinks and I stopped to talk to one of the other guys and I came back and you were gone " he said. We both looked at eachother. "Look Jungkook all I know was that I was with you on the balcony and then I don't remember after that. I finally woke up tied to a chair that you put me in " I said crossing my arms. "Y/N, I never did that! Why would I do that to you?" He asked. I was so confused at this point. "I got us drinks Y/N I came back and you were gone. How could I do any of that if I still had the drinks in my hand scared shitless and went to Namjoon?" He questioned. "I'm not a Psycho! Y/N "
He said. I didn't know what to believe. My head was starting to hurt.
"I don't know.." I said. I put my head down and covered my eyes and started crying. Jungkook came next to me and held me "Y/N I promised you from the beginning. I would never hurt you. I never break a promise. You can ask your brother. You don't know how much you mean to me. I couldn't hurt you.. especially hopefully one day.. I'd make you my wife ".. he said teary-eyed. I popped my head up and stared at him. My brother always said that he always was able to count on Jungkook for everything. He trusted Jungkook with his life other than the other guys. Namjoon always said that Jungkook got the job done and never gave him a problem.
"Did you say wife?" I asked speechless.
He looked up at me and smiled.
"Yes, one day when we could not have to hide no more " he said. Jungkook stared at me with the smile I loved. He reached into his pocket and got down on one knee. "This is just a promise...
That I will always love and protect you for the rest of my life. I will never let no one hurt you. I want you forever Y/N" he said with tears in his eyes.
"I love you so much more than you'll ever know. Will you accept my promise?" He smiled with tears. He opened the little black box and there was a heart shaped diamond ring.

 He opened the little black box and there was a heart shaped diamond ring

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I was speechless... it was beautiful and it matched my necklace. He stared at me with tears and a smile. I wasn't fully healed yet I was still confused. I wanted to accept his promise. But I don't know if he really did that or not. If I don't accept his promise, he will be devastated. Jungkook was still waiting for a answer from me. I was so in love with him... but my heart was broken. What do I do ?? Ugh!!! "Y/N ?" He asked. After when I still didn't give him a answer Jungkook's expression started to disappear. He started closing the box and got up and was walking to my window. He opened it up and was about to get out. "Jungkook wait!" I said. Jungkook stared at me and came back in. "Yes... Yes I accept" I said with tears. Jungkook smiled back at me put the ring on my finger and kissed me passionately. "I'm still confused over everything..still hurt. I don't know what to believe and if you did it or not... but there's one thing I do know. And that is I love you " I said to him looking in his eyes. "Y/N, I'll give you all the time you need. We will take it slow. But I just wanted to give you a promise and this was it." He kissed me again. He found my heart necklace and put it around my neck. "I told you, you will always have my heart " he said smiling with tears. Jungkook kissed me again. He started playing with my hair and pushed it back until he saw the hickey on my neck.
"Y/N what is that?" He asked. I looked down and tried to cover it with my hand. "Is that from Taehyung?" He asked with rage. I nodded my head. Jungkook started clenching his hands.
"THIS MOTHER FUCKER" he said furious. I sat on my bed upset. Jungkook came over to me. "Y/N did he do anything else? " he asked pissed. I couldn't say more cause Taehyung will kill me. "Y/N? Tell me now..Did he do anything else ". He asked again. I kept my mouth shut. Taehyung will find out if I said anymore. My life was on a thin wire. Jungkook sat next to me and held me. "Y/N he's not going to touch you anymore " he said holding me. I laid my head on his shoulder and he held my hand. "Y/N your my life, I don't want nothing happening to you. I wouldn't know what to do " he said rubbing my hand. Jungkook's phone started ringing
"Hello, hey boss.." he trailed off..,
"Oh okay where at?...okay who's coming with me? ...Oh okay. Okay boss I'll see you in a bit... bye " he hung up the phone and clenched his hands. I looked at him confused. "What's wrong? I asked. He looked at me. "I have to go on an assignment..."he said. "Oh okay?".I trailed off. I was really confused. "I'm going with him " he said pissed. I rubbed his back. Jungkook was annoyed. He turned and looked at me " Be careful, go hang out with everyone else until I get back okay?" He looked at me concerned.
"Okay I will " I said. Jungkook kissed me goodbye and left. Great! He's doing an assignment with the Asshole. I got up and went downstairs. I just hope nothing happens to him. Everyone was out by the pool just hanging out. It was hard for me to get over there fast enough. All the guys saw me and came over and helped me out. "Y/N do you need anything?" Yoongi asked. I looked at him
"No, I'm okay thank you ". I smiled. My brother pulled out a chair for me and sat me down. While he was holding my hand to help me he noticed the ring and the necklace. "Y/N where did they come from?" He asked me curiously. I looked up at him. SHIT! I couldn't tell him Jungkook gave them to me... he'd kill us both. Ugh! Falling in love with someone in the mafia is tough... I thought of something quick. "Oh these old things? I've had these. I just never wore them". I said nervously. Namjoon raised one eyebrow. He looked at me suspicious. He sat next to me . "Why haven't you wore them? They are gorgeous" he said. I looked at him "I just didn't want nothing to happen to them. You know how I am with jewelry". I said nervous. He shook his head "Yeah your right, your too protective" he said smiling. He fell for it!! If only he knew who really gave them to me...

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