Chapter 30:

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It was the day before my birthday... Omg! I'll be 25 soon what the hell! I'm getting old....I woke up and looked over and Jungkook wasn't there. Where did he go? I saw a note and a cup of coffee.

Hey baby, I love you.. I made your coffee just how you like it. Me and Jimin went off for a bit running some errands. But we will be back soon. -Jungkook.

I wonder where they went? My coffee was just perfect just how I like to drink it and I put the tv on. I wonder what we are going to do today ... since it's still just us three.


(Jungkook and Jimin driving)

"Hey, what was wrong with Y/N last night?" Jimin asked in the car.

Jungkook looked upset

"She had a dream that she was pregnant and it was a boy and it looked like me.
Y/N wanted to know do it right there and then.... to make it happen. I told her no because its the wrong time and Namjoon doesn't even know about us. So just imagine if she was pregnant. She got up and said "your dream came true... and mine isn't" something like that and she walked out" Jungkook said driving.

Jimin looked at Jungkook...

"Dude! Namjoon would flip out! She was outside and she didn't tell me what happened. But I had to tell her it will happen when she least expect it and maybe it's not the right time" Jimin said.

"That's the exact same thing I told her.. I don't know..." Jungkook said shaking his head.

"Maybe she was just excited... cause she wanted to start a family already with you" Jimin said. " You didn't do it right?"

"Jimin, I'm not that stupid... I told her we need to wait. I told her I wanted to and I'm ready. But, I want to wait till Namjoon knows about us and that he accepts" Jungkook said.

"Do you want to have a baby with her?.. like have a family already... are you ready for that commitment? Jimin asked.

"Yeah, I'm 100% ready.. I'm ready to get married to her now. But we can't.." Jungkook said.

"The rules of this mafia shit suck ass" Jimin said annoyed. " what do you wanna get for her promise ring?"

"Maybe another band but I'm thinking about having our initials engraved on it...what do you think?" Jungkook asked.

"Hmm let's figure it out when we get there.... what about an engagement ring?" Jimin asked.

" I want to get her something that is out of this world." Jungkook said smiling.

"Well, are you going to buy it now... or put it on layaway?" Jimin asked.

"What do you think?" Jungkook asked

"Do you know when your wanting to do it ?" Jimin asked.

"I kind of want to do it on the day we technically became official." Jungkook said.

"And when was that?" Jimin asked.

"Um... eh... technically we... um I mean.. I... didn't ask her... to be eh ... my girlfriend.... it was like.." Jungkook said embarrassed.

"Okay... okay... I don't want to know" Jimin said.

"Well... it was when..." Jungkook trailed off

"La La La La La" Jimin said

Jungkook started laughing.

"So, technically.. it just happened?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah... um.. you can.. say that" Jungkook said.

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