Chapter 67:

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I don't believe how they are treating me. This is Bullshit! And they called the doctor?!?! Ugh.... I walked outside and sat on the patio. Didn't have nothing in my hands.

The guys saw me and hugged me...

"You feel better?" Jimin asked

"No!" I said mad.

"Why?" Jhope asked.

"Fucking Namjoon and Jungkook are treating me like a baby. They won't let me have coffee. They are bossing me around. They fucking called a doctor! They are telling me I have to do this and that. What if I don't want to ?" I said mad.

The guys looked at me...

"They didn't call the doctor... I did" Yoongi said.

"You did?!?! Really!!!" I said.

"You were out cold... I was worried about you" he said.

"I didn't need a doctor!" I said mad.

"Yes you di..." I cut off Jimin and Jhope.

"No I didn't!!! I could've done shit by myself. I would've woken up. I don't believe this shit. You all think you know what's best for me. But have you ever thought about my feelings? You guys only want to think what you want to think... before talking to me first! That's not cool." I said angry.

"You know what... forget it. Nothing isn't going to change. I'm just going to continue getting treated like a baby!!" I said angry walking away.

Jungkook and Namjoon came out and stood by the guys.

"Where'd she go?" He asked.

"She told us off and walked away..." Jhope said.

Jungkook went to look for me. He knew where I was at.

I was siting by the pool in the cave. Angry as fuck.

'I can't fucking believe this..' I thought to myself.

Jungkook found me and sat next to me.

"Hey baby" he said.

"What?" I asked looking at him

"Stop acting like this... we are only looking out for you" he said.

"Oh wow... looking out for me calling me a baby... for real?" I said upset.

"I didn't mean it like that!" He said.

Jungkook picked me up

"Look, we are only looking out for you because we didn't think you were going to wake up. You scared us... you made me cry baby. I didn't know what to do... I wouldn't know what to do if I ever lost you. I love you so much. We just want you to do the right thing that's all." He said upset.

Wow did I really act like that? I scared them?... oh shit... I am a baby...

"I'm so sorry..." I said crying and hugging him.

"I really thought you weren't going to wake up. I lost you once... I don't want that to happen again..." he said upset.

I pulled his face closer to me forehead to forehead.

"I'm not going anywhere baby" I said smiling.

Jungkook smiled back

"I love you Mrs. Jungkook" he smiled.

I blushed

"I love the sound of that"

"Well for all this.. your attitude and all your getting punished tonight. And we're not stopping. I'm going to make you so so sore. Just to teach you a lesson babygirl" Jungkook said biting his lip.

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