Chapter 6:

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It was the next morning, I was too tired to get out of bed. My head felt like it was on fire. Why does this keep happening to me? I looked over to see if Jungkook was still here.. but he wasn't. Instead I saw a note and a single rose . I looked at the note and it said "Princess, I had to leave to help your brother out with something. Here's a rose as beautiful as you are. Can't wait for tonight. I love you " -Jungkook. I smiled as I smelled the rose. I was confused what was tonight? I got up and cleaned myself up before I went into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Was I ready to step out of my bedroom? What If I saw him? I was really nervous. I stood at my door and took a deep breathe. I opened my door and headed to the kitchen. I looked over to make sure I didn't see HIM. Looked like the coast was clear. I walked to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee grabbed a bagel that was on the counter and walked outside to our pool. It was absolutely beautiful out. As I started walking to a chair, I noticed a lot of people caring decorations inside. What is going on ? Still watching people caring tons and tons of decorations. I walked behind them and watched them place every decoration on the floor of the ballroom and on the ceiling. I see my brother telling the people where to put everything. I came up next to him. Namjoon saw me and put his arm around me.
"Y/N good morning." He said happy. "Good morning". I said.
"Are you ready for tonight?" He asked. What was going on tonight that I didn't know. I looked at him confused. "It's the masquerade party. That we have one almost every year". He said. Oh my god! I forgot all about it. I acted dumb like I didn't forget all about it. "Oh yeah! Silly me I'm not fully awake yet " I said. He laughed and hugged me. I just watched everyone place the decorations and set all the tables and chairs. "So Y/N, what happened the other night at dinner?" He asked curiously. I was waiting for him to ask me that question. I had to lie quick.. Shit! What do I say? Finally, it rolled off my tongue. "Ugh you know how Jessica starts with me. She said something I didn't like and it pissed me off." I said with my arms crossed. My brother knew how my friend Jessica was.
"Y/N she's just jealous. Just ignore her ". He said. Phew! He believed it! His phone started ringing and told me to wait one minute. I just stared at all the decorations. I walked around the ballroom to look at everything. The decorations we breathtaking. I walked back to my brother.
"Y/N we are having a lot of people come tonight. Just have fun tonight. Don't let nothing ruin it." He said smiling. Umm.. what happened to my strick brother? "Okay, I will" I said. He looked at me and smiled and put his arm around me.
"Y/N that reminds me I got you something and I would like for you to wear it tonight" he said. Namjoon pulled out a long black thin box. It had a red bow on it. He handed over it to me. My brother never gets me any presents. I opened the box and it was a diamond bracelet with my birthstone in it. I gasped because of how absolutely beautiful it was. "omg " I said surprised. "Its beautiful thank you ". I hugged him. He put it on my arm and said "It fits perfectly ". He kissed my head. What's going on with my brother? While we were going over everything for the party tonight. The ballroom doors opened up. We both turned to see who was coming in and it was all the boys. In my head I wanted to scream. Jimin, Jhope,Jin,Yoongi,Taehyung all came in the Ballroom. They looked around the room at all the decorations. "Boss this looks amazing!" Jimin said. I stayed next to my brother. "Hey Y/N" Jimin and Jhope said as they hugged me. I greeted them with a smile and hugged them back. "Hello Y/N, I'm Yoongi" he said. "Hi nice to meet you " I said with a smile. Jin looked over at me "Hello Y/N I'm Jin " he said. "Hello nice to meet you too" I said. I can feel Taehyung stare. It was burning through me.Taehyung looked at me with the stare I hated so badly. It made me shake. "Hello Y/N how are you " Taehyung said glaring at me. I put my head down and my cheeks were on fire.
Namjoon nudged me and just looked at me. "Hey Taehyung I'm good" I said sick to my stomach. Where was Jungkook? While everyone was talking I started to walk around the ballroom looking at the decorations. I can still feel Taehyung stare. I wish he would just disappear!
"Y/N you want to join us for lunch?" Jimin asked. I looked at him and then looked at my brother. Namjoon nodded his head as a yes.
"Yes, I would like that ". I smiled. I walked back. "Where's Jungkook?" Yoongi asked. "He had to go on the other side of town handle some business for me"namjoon said. I started biting my nails I hope he is okay. We sat at the table outside. They were just talking and eating. I was nervously waiting for Jungkook. I was playing with my food and drinking the wine that was on the table. "Y/N?" Jimin asked. I looked up and stared at him. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah! I'm fine just sleepy thats all " I lied through my smile.
"Here let me grab you some coffee ". He got me a cup and poured coffee in it.
"Thanks Jimin" I smiled. I fixed my coffee up and me and Jimin were just talking. The whole time at lunch Taehyung was just staring at me. And acting like he was talking to everyone else. But he wouldnt stop staring.While everyone was just talking I heard the back gate open and closed. We all looked over to see who it was and it was Jungkook. "There he is!" Jhope yelled happily got up and greeted Jungkook. Taehyung stiffened in his seat and just stared at Jungkook annoyed. Taehyung looked like he was going to attack Jungkook. I couldn't stop staring at Taehyung rudely. Like dude back the fuck up! Your the one doing this to me. Your the one hurting me in so many ways.Jungkook is protecting me from your stupid ass. Jungkook smiled when he saw me. There was an empty seat next to me. I smiled so big when he sat down. My ears were red and I blushed. This was so hard to not show any affection with him in front of my brother. I loved Jungkook so much. It killed me not to kiss him. Finally, I was able to relax and breathe when Taehyung got up and left. The whole time at lunch... Jungkook held my hand under the table. I started getting butterflies in my stomach. Look what he does to me. How can I not love him?. Lunch was over and I went for a little walk around our garden. I enjoyed this so much. All I could think about was Jungkook. I smiled the whole time I was walking. I found the pond my dad made. My dad was very creative and he loved being productive. I sat their and just listened and closed my eyes. I was just so happy. Maybe this time Taehyung learned his lesson and now he'll leave me alone. I felt my hand get touched. I freaked out cause I didn't know who it was and it was my love Jungkook. He smiled when I opened my eyes. He picked me up and kissed me so passionate. "Hello my princess... I missed you so much " as he kissed me he picked me up and swirled me around. My ears were burning again and I blushed and the butterflies came back. How was I so lucky? Taehyung was hiding behind one of the bushes watching us..My eye's met his. He did that deadly stare that makes me shiver. Jungkook felt something was wrong and turned around and Taehyung was gone. "Y/N whats wrong?" Jungkook asked curiously. I just stared at the bushes that he was behind.
What was he going to do to me next?...

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