Chapter 3:

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Was I dead ? Please tell me I was.. I laid in the dark feeling disgusted at myself. Crying heavy under the sheets of the bed. How can I let this happen? I peeped up out of the sheets and saw Taehyung. He saw me crying and all he can do was laugh. "Don't cry princess you are too beautiful to cry " he said while he was getting dressed. "Your an asshole Taehyung". I said crying heavy. He laughed while buttoning his shirt. "I'll take that as a compliment Y/N". He walked away leaving me defenseless closing the door behind him. If my brother found out about Taehyung doing this... he would be dead right this second. I got up and got dressed and walked to my room. As soon as I got back in my room, I ran to the shower and sat on the floor while the water was running on me crying. Dinner was at 6:30pm and it was already 5pm. I heard my phone ringing back to back. I finished my shower and went to see who kept calling and texting me. It was Jungkook.

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I just stared at my phone started crying even harder

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I just stared at my phone started crying even harder. How could I let this happen? Was I just a sex target to my brother's men? Where they just using me for sex? Is that what jungkook just wants from me? How do I know if he's being honest with me? I didn't know what to think at this point. I felt disgusted with myself. I could've prevented what me and Taehyung did. But, I didn't want him to kill me or make my life miserable. I looked in the mirror and splashed water in my face. I had my hands on the rim of the sink. I closed my eyes and I wished none of that had happened. As soon as I looked down at the sink I saw marks on my wrist. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!? Was this from Taehyung? How the fuck am I going to hide this? The hickeys that jungkook left me were all over my chest and neck. Did Taehyung leave any other marks? I looked all over and I saw marks on my neck other than the hickey's. It looked like he was choking me. I had a bruise underneath my eye. Omg! I busted out crying. How am I going to hide these? I started getting ready for dinner. I had to hide every mark on my body with make up. I found the tightest red dress that was strapless with rhinestones all over it. Put on my mom's earrings and necklace that my dad gave her and my black glitter heals and made sure I was good to go. The only thing I worried about the most was facing Taehyung. I walked out my bedroom door and headed down to the dining room. There was my brother Namjoon. He looked so handsome in my dad's tuxedo. He saw me enter the dining room and smiled. I barely ever see him smile. He pulled out a chair for me. Slowly the boys came in. First was Jimin and Jhope. They both came in smiling and laughing. Next was Yoongi and Jin. Both looking so serious with no emotion. The next was Jungkook Omg look at him! I smiled underneath my breath when I saw him enter the room. Lastly, was the total Asshole Taehyung! He met my glare and just smiled. Jungkook sat next to me and he smiled. My heart was beating so damn fast. I had and empty seat next to me. I wanted my brother to sit next to me but the Asshole took it. I scooted a little towards jungkook.
"You look beautiful Y/N" jungkook said with a smile. I smiled and I can feel my cheeks burning. While I was talking to jungkook with my back turned to Taehyung. Taehyung started rubbing my legs going under my dress. I slapped his hand so hard that he moved it and just stared at me. Namjoon was ready to give a speech. He rose his glass in the air. "Thank you all for attending this dinner. We are all considered family. We all look after each other and protect each other. We don't let anyone disrespect us. Cause once someone disrespects us there will be a price to pay. Enjoy your dinner everyone". He said with a smile. We started eating and Jungkook kept talking to me. We were laughing and flirting. Taehyung didn't like it I could sense it. He started feeling me up. I didn't want this Asshole touching me again. I kept pushing him a way. He didn't stop. I was getting fed up. I think Jungkook knew something was wrong cause he saw my facial expression. Taehyung didn't like to feel or hear the answer no. He kept feeling me up and was smiling cause he knew he was getting under my skin. I got my fork and stabbed him. Taehyung screamed cause of the pain.Everyone looked over at us cause they heard him scream. I was done I got up from my chair and walked away with no explanations. I knew I was going to get it from my brother. But, he didn't know what was going on. I walked quickly to my room and slammed the door. I was done with tonight. All I wanted to do was sleep. I got into my Pj's and laid on my bed and cried myself to sleep. I woke up to go pee it was 2am. I still hear them laughing and talking. As I was walking back to my bed. I heard someone at my door. "Y/N you in there?" Was that Taehyung or Jungkook. I was nervous to open the door. "Who is it?" I answered nervously. Without hesitation he replied "Its Jungkook". I had my hand on the knob I was shaking. I really hope it was Jungkook.
"Y/N open the door please " he said. I opened the door slowly and there was Jungkook. He met my glare and slightly smiled. He saw my eyes all red and puffy. I wiped the last tears that decided to fall in front of him. He pushed open the door..closed it behind him and hugged me so tight.
"Y/N what happened?" He said nervously. I wanted to tell him but Taehyung would hurt me. Jungkook looked at me and wiped my eyes. I sat on the edge of my bed and I looked at the tissue I was holding. He sat right next to me held me close..looked at me and caressed my face until he saw the bruise underneath my eye.
He was going to hold my hand until he looked down and saw the marks around my wrists.
His stare was cold.
"Y/N where is all this from? " he said annoyed. I couldn't open my mouth all I could do was cry. He lift up my chin and saw the hand mark around my neck.
"Y/N what is going on? Tell me now! ". He said stern. I hear the tone in his voice. His voice was harsh and you can tell he was getting mad.I couldn't say or do anything. I was in fear for my own life. If I even said something Taehyung would know. I wish I could tell my brother or Jungkook but I couldn't. I was fucked...

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