Chapter 36:

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The next morning, I was so tired.. from the party and from the sex we had. I looked over and Jungkook was sleeping. All the scratch makes I left him were there. Holy shit! I left him so much.. they were deep.

I felt so bad I kissed his back. Jungkook turned over and held me close. And kissed me... His hair was all over the place. He looked so cute.

"Good morning princess" he said sleepy. I kissed him good morning.

"Is that how it's always going to be?" I asked smiling.

"Oh yeah... But 10x better... You won't be able to control yourself.. I'll be going even harder then last night" he said biting his lip. ...

How he did that with his lips and raspy voice.. made me have a tingle down there. It turned me on that I was biting my lip.

"You okay there baby" he said seductive smiling

"Mmhm" I said smiling and biting my lip.

"Babygirl don't be doing that" he said sexually

I continued to do it.. you can tell he was getting turned on.

I got up from the bed.. I was still naked. I was on my way to walk to the bathroom when I heard him moan. He was on his back looking at me

"Fuck baby... Why do you have to be so sexy. Jesus! Your body is so sexy. Damn." Jungkook said.

I slowly walked to the bathroom to see what he would do. I bent down acting like I dropped something. My ass was in the air. He sat up staring at me.

"Omg baby... fuck... What are you doing to me?" Jungkook said biting his lip.

"Oh nothing.. I just dropped something." I said playfully.

I turned around and I saw his boner through the sheets.

"Keep teasing me sexy.. your going to get it" he said seductively.

I got to the door frame of the bathroom and posed naked. I was getting him so good.

"Fuck" he said.

Jungkook got up and carried me back to the bed. He put the covers over us and started kissing roughly.

"Your so bad baby... Look what you do to me" Jungkook said seductive.

I looked down and his dick was up and hard.

"Your in trouble now" he said biting his lip.

He started fucking me.. omg ... this boy.

We continued and he put me on top of him and he was grabbing my boobs.

"Mmm baby...fuck daddy" I moaned.

We continued to have sex and the knock on my door startled us.

"Ugh.. fuck not again" he said grabbing his head and hair.

"I'll get it this time" I said slowly getting up.

"Baby.. put something on that they don't see anything revealing... I'm the only one that owns this" Jungkook said seductive and biting his lip.

As I got up.. he smacked my ass hard.

The knocks continued. I put my bra and undies on and my pjs. Jungkook put his shirt, boxers and shorts on.

"Coming" I said

We were all dressed and I fixed my hair real quick while jungkook was in the bathroom.

I opened the door and it was Jimin.

Geez, this guy always finds away to make us stop.

"Good morning sis! Did you guys sleep good?" He said at the door.

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