Chapter 43

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We were close to his hotel. From our hotel to Jungkook's it was about 12 minutes. I feel like I'm going to pass out. Jess parked the car. "Listen, don't be nervous. When you get into his room... post sexy on the bed. If he starts getting mad you...put your arms around him, smile and kiss him. AND! If he still is mad...Girl lift that dress up let him see what he owns!" She said.

"Thanks Jess for everything" I said.

"Your welcome" She said smiling

I got out of the car and I waved bye. Jesus! I can't believe I'm here. My heart was beating through my chest.

'Here goes nothing'

I walked inside the hotel.. it was nice. Cleaned, nice decorated. I walked to go the check in.

"Hi, can I have the room to Jeon Jungkook please? I'm his wife and I want to surprise him" I said happy

The guy gave me a extra key to go to Jungkook's room.

I walked until I got to his room on the second floor. I opened the door and all his stuff was all over.

'Just like our room'

I was thinking what Jess told me to do. I got on his bed and posed sexy. So when he walks in he will be shocked.

I started playing on my phone waiting for him. Maybe almost an hour I heard something at the door. I put my phone in my purse and posed sexy. The door opened then shut. Jungkook walked in on his phone. And then he dropped the phone....

"Y/N??????" He looked shocked.


"I wanted to surprise you" I said smiling.

"Not here!" He said getting angry. "Your fucking insane for coming here. You didn't think clearly. This so stupid! Do you know what your brother is going to do? I don't believe this I'm very disappointed in you. What the fuck Y/N!! I can't believe you. I'm finding you a ride back home. Ugh!!" He said shaking.

"How the fuck did you get here?" Jungkook asked angry

"Jess..." I said nervous

Jungkook had his phone looking to give me the next plane to get me back home.

Okay, so he's mad... the next thing Jess told me to do.

I got up and fixed my dress....Jungkook kept staring at me. Not smiling or emotion. I went to hug him and put my arms around his neck and smiled. I kissed him...

He kissed me back but not like he always do. They we quick and just pecks.. Yeah, he's really mad at me... his kisses weren't the same. Jungkook had no emotion...his eyes were black..

This was worse than the argument we had in the pool. He was mad that day...but not this mad. It's kind of scaring me...

Lastly, I hope this last one works....

I got off of him and lifted up my dress and started walking to the bed slowly. My ass was out and I had a see through thong on. I went to bend down and to act like I'm getting my phone out of my purse.

'I guess nothing is working'

I kept acting like I was reaching into my bag. Until, I felt his hands over my body.

'It worked'

Jungkook lifted my face up so I can look into his eyes. His eyes weren't black anymore . Jungkook's eye color was normal. He was biting his lip...

'Yes!...thanks Jess'

All his anger went away...

"Damn..." he moaned

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