Chapter 8:

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The party was going to start in a couple hours it was already 6:30pm.I had my dress, shoes, mask, necklace and bracelet on my bed. The one thing I was missing was earrings. Damn it! Where did I put my mothers earrings? I looked all over the place I was getting nervous. I heard someone at the door. I walked over to my door and opened it. It was Namjoon. "Hey sis,
Here's a little something." He said. I looked at him shocked.
"What's up with all the presents? " I asked. He smiled and didn't answer. I opened the box and it was my mother's earrings.
"Omg I was looking for these!" I said. "I had them clean for you made sure all the" diamonds were in place" he said. Finally, my outfit was complete.
"Y/N, I got your favorite wine too " he said happy. I looked at Namjoon and said "Thank you ". I couldn't stop smiling.
He walked away and I closed my door. I jumped in my shower real quick to freshen up. My phone was going off. I stepped out and I looked to see who it was.

It was my baby! "Hello" I said smiling answering the phone

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It was my baby! "Hello" I said smiling answering the phone. He did that cute little giggle I loved so much.
"Hello, my princess. What are you doing?" He said. "I'm just getting ready for tonight. Where are you?". I asked.
"I'm around the corner, just taking care of business with Jimin and Jhope" he said. "Can they hear you talking to me?" I asked. "Oh no! I walked away for a second. Just wanted to hear your voice" he said sweetly. I blushed. "You know Mr. Jungkook, you know how to make me smile " I said. Jungkook did the giggle again. "Well princess, thats my job. I gotta go. I love you, be careful okay? See you in a little bit" he said as he blew a kiss over the phone. I blew one back and we hanged up the phone. Jesus! This man drives me crazy. By the time I finished getting ready it was already 7:50pm. The party started at 8pm. I started hearing cars pull up. I slowly put on my mask and my high heel shoes.
My louis Vuitton dress was all black with glitter and strapless with a slit in the front. My hair was layered over my mask. I found my black clutch and made sure I looked okay. I just wanted to look good for Jungkook. As I walked down the hallway to the stairs, I saw a lot of people coming into the ballroom through the window. As I entered the ballroom, I saw my brother greeting people as they entered the doors. Jimin tapped on Namjoon's shoulder to turn around as I was walking down the stairs. His face lighted up when he saw me even if he was wearing a mask. He said "Excused me" to the people he was talking too and met me at the bottom of the stairs. I finally was at the bottom of the stairs. "Y/N you look absolutely beautiful" he said smiling as he kissed my hand. We walked over with my arm through his and greeted everyone coming in. I couldn't recognize anyone. It was hard to tell who was who. Someone tapped my shoulder and I freaked a little. I turned around and I couldn't recognize him.
"Hey Y/N " he said smiling. I only knew two people who smiled when they talked. "Jhope is that you?" I asked. He smiled. "Dang Y/N how'd you know " he laughed. "You look very beautiful." He said. I smiled "Thank you Jhope". The rest of the boys came over. There was no sign of Taehyung. Good! I didn't want to see him anyways.
We were all talking and drinking. Jimin and Jhope were dancing and being silly. We were all cracking up. I told them I had to go to the restroom real quick. As I was walking I was hoping to see Jungkook. But there was no sign of him anywhere. I walked out, and someone was waiting for me outside and twirled me around. I looked at him and he said "Wow, princess you look stunning " he said smiling. He was all dressed in black, from his mask down to his shoes. I blushed and asked "Jungkook is that you?" He smiled when he pulled up his mask. "It's me Y/N " he said with his giggle. We went in the dark corner behind the bathroom so no one saw us. "Y/N, you in that dress is making me.." he said biting his lip and giving me that sexy stare I loved so much. Jungkook kissed me hard and bit my bottom lip. While he was kissing me he was going up my dressing teasing me. "Baby!" I said biting my lip. He smiled at me and kissed me. We found a dark alley in the ballroom. He lifted me up against the wall and he pulled his pants down. It was so hard trying not to moan loud like I usually do. An hour later after we finished. He kissed me and bit my lip again. I went back in the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup. Jungkook met with the other guys. "Where's Y/N? My brother asked. I walked out of the bathroom and met up with them. We were all talking until we sat at the table to eat. Like always, Jungkook sits next to me and rubs my leg and held my hand. We were all having a good time til the Asshole walked in and joined us I think it was him I couldn't tell. He sat down across from me and smiled seductively. Yup! Thats the scumbag. Everyone was talking and Jungkook was still holding my hand. The waiters came over started cleaning off the table. My brother walked around towards me. Jungkook pulled his hand away quick from mine.
"Y/N can I have this dance?" He asked. I smiled. I got up took my brother's hand. He kissed my hand as he Danced with me. Namjoon twirled me around in a circle. The song was over and we walked back to the guys while everyone got up to dance.We just stood there and talked and had a couple of drinks and snacks. Jungkook tried to stay as close to me as possible to make sure Taehyung didn't come over to me. But he didn't want to make it obvious. Yoongi and Jin were talking about the next assignment to my brother. Jimin and Jhope were talking to me and Jungkook. Taehyung stood next to my brother watching my every move. I felt so uncomfortable. I tried to ignore him. A slow song came on and Jungkook took me to the dance floor. I can still feel Taehyung staring. "Jungkook if my brother sees this.." I trailed off talking because he put his finger on my lips. "Don't worry I asked him and he said it was okay " he smiled. I smiled back and just danced with him. My heart was beating super fast. I didn't want to let him go. He tried to go deeper in the crowd so he can give me a kiss real quick. And it worked. I wish we couldn't keep this a secret. I wished Namjoon would let me be with Jungkook. But in the mafia, you can't date. It broke my heart. The song ended and he kissed me on the cheek.
"Baby can I get you a drink?" He asked. I smiled. "Yes I'd love one ". He kissed my hand "Don't go anywhere. Stay right there. I'll be right back baby". He smiled I just stood their waiting patiently for him to come back. Finally, he came back with the drinks. "Here you go princess". He said smiling handing me my drink. I smiled back and we kissed. We walked away holding hands to the balcony to look at the stars.
How was I so lucky to have this amazing man in my life? He put his arm around my waist and kissed my shoulder.
"Y/N you are so beautiful".he said I blushed and looked away my cheeks were turning red. He tilted my head back to look at him and kissed me passionately. He held me as we looked at the stars. I took a sip of my drink and just enjoyed this so much. I looked at him and he looked back at me. For some reason I started feeling weird. Dizzy at some point. I couldn't function. And everything went black. What was happening? I was going in and out. Where was I going ? I was getting carried. I felt like I going to throw up. Was this it? Am I poisoned ? Was I going to die?... what happened to me? Jungkook came back to the dance floor with the drinks and I wasn't there. He looked all over and started getting nervous. He walked over to where Namjoon and the rest of the boys to see if I was there. "Hey guys have you seen Y/N?" He asked worried. They all looked at eachother and shook their heads no. Namjoon looked scared.. "Jungkook, she was with you what the hell happened? Where is she? ". He said pissed grabbing Jungkook's suit and shaking him.
"I left her on the dance floor to get us drinks. I told her to wait there until I got back" he said worried. My brother and all the guys went their separate ways to come look for me. Namjoon told the security guards to help us look as well. Their was one person missing and Jungkook noticed that. Tears started welling up in Jungkook's eyes. His love of his life was missing....

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