Chapter 46:

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(Jungkook Pov)

We got to the airport and got everything check. I was so upset at myself I didn't even talk. My heart hurt... we went over to the flight attendant and checked in. The whole time I was writing in my notebook. No one knew I sang and wrote my own songs on my free time. This I was writing a song for Y/N. Jess was texting Yoongi. I guess they are going to be serious. But I know what type of man yoongi is. I wanted to warn Jess but I don't want to interfere and ruin her happiness. I'm not that type of asshole.

"You okay?" Jess asked.

"I don't know.." I said

"Look, I know you don't like never did. I fucked up okay I'm sorry.. but let me tell you one thing...
I know Y/N loves you so much... she always talks about you non stop. She wouldn't have asked me to take her to north korea if she didn't love you. Yes, she forgets things and makes stupid decisions. But, deep down she's full of love and is very good hearted. She takes care of everyone else before she takes care of herself. That's the type of person Y/N is. I'm not choosing sides ... whether it's your fault or hers... but Yoongi is right about all of that. And I'm not just saying that cause he's my boyfriend now. But he made a point... you guys will work this all out" Jess said rubbing my back.

"Thanks Jess" I said.

It was time for us to board the plane. I hope everything will be better between me and Y/N. I'll be there for her and if she does end up pregnant. I'll be there for our baby. I won't let her do this alone.... I know Namjoon won't be happy about this...but Yoongi was right. Namjoon isn't part of our relationship. It's just me and Y/N. Whatever happens it's between us and no one else.

We finally got on the plane and sat down. I looked out the window the whole time. Even though it was a short plane ride I still enjoyed looking out. Jess was on her phone the whole time. I continued writing the song in my book.

~Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria~

I've been writing this song for a awhile... but I stopped when I started doing more assignments for Namjoon. I really hope she forgives me...

I closed my eyes and replayed everything that happened. My anger take over me. I didn't believe anything she said. I blamed her...I said she did it on purpose when she didn't. Everyone was right...she was a forgetful person but she loves everyone. I have never seen her be mean to anyone. She was only about love. That was all she did.... I started choking up..

Jess saw me and touched my hand.
I looked at her with tears in my eyes...

"Everything is going to be alright. You never know she might not end up pregnant. It's too soon to tell. Don't get worked up over it. Trust me. I have known you guys all my life. You both faced problems and handled them. If it was me...I wouldn't give a flying fuck. But you are both strong. You'll get through it" she said.

"Thanks I really appreciate it" I said.

I'm almost home baby...


(Y/N Pov)

I was having so much fun with Jimin... I smiled and laughed so hard I was almost peeing myself. I forgot everything that happened between Me and Jungkook. It wasn't worth the stress.

We saw..Hangover. It played in the movie theaters again.

"Omg that movie was hilarious" Jimin said laughing.

I was dying of laughter.

~Were the three best friends that anyone can have~ we sang together.

"I'm having so much fun. Thanks Jimin" I said smiling.

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