Chapter 49

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The next morning, my head was on fire. My stomach was burning like if I drink a whole gallon of acid. I was soooo dehydrated. I found a huge bottle of water and I didn't stop drinking it. I felt so nauseous. I'm not drinking for a long time... I'm tired of feeling this way.
I looked over and jungkook was sleeping on his back. He was snoring..

My God! His body does shit to me... ugh! I rubbed and kissed him and went back to sleep. I felt like I was going to throw up again.. I was soo sick and I didn't want to get up. So I closed my eyes...


(Jungkook Pov)

My head was hurting but not as much. I looked over and Y/N was sleeping. She is so beautiful. I bet her head was hurting her way more. I needed coffee... I got dressed and headed down to the kitchen to get me and Y/N's coffee situated. I brought her coffee up and placed it on her nightstand plus two mortins, kissed her on the head and walked out. She needed to sleep.....

I know for a fact, she won't be feeling herself today. She's going to be so sick...

All the other guys were all sleeping.. I didn't want to bother them. We partied too hard. Plus, I don't think no one is going to remember anything

I walked outside to drink my coffee and Namjoon was sitting down looking at his phone.

"What up boss" I said walking to a chair next to him.

"Good Morning bro!" Namjoon smiled.

I sat down next to him.

"So, since it's just us out here... I need to talk to you" I said nervous.

Namjoon put his phone down... and looked worried.

"Is something wrong?" Namjoon asked worried.

"No no no... I just need to ask you first" I said.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked.

"Um... I would like to ask you if I can marry Y/N..." I said nervous.

Namjoon was drinking his coffee...his cup on his mouth and looked at me.

'Oh shit...he's going to say no'

"Really?" Namjoon said

"Yeah... I didn't want to do anything behind your back without asking you first." I said.

Namjoon just kept staring at me. My heart is pounding. Why did I even bother.

"Did you buy buy ring already?" He asked.

"Yeah.. I did" I gulped..


"Hmmmm" Namjoon said thinking. He got up and started walking around.

"Well, you've known me all your life, we are best friends, I'm in love with your sister, I already confessed that to you. You broke the rules... I've done everything for you. And you let me move in." I said worried.

Namjoon sat right in front of me and stared in my eyes. I was breathing heavy and started to sweat. My heart racing a Mile a minute.

He smiled... Namjoon could see I was nervous.

"Jungkook, Yes... you can marry my sister." Namjoon smiled.

I smiled big and I hugged him.

"You two are perfect for each other. I couldn't be more happier for you both. I don't know if I said this before or not... but welcome to the family" Namjoon said smiling.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled with happy tears.

"Boss, you freaked me the fuck out. I thought you were going to say no." I said.

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