Chapter 69:

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With everyone at the party it was hard finding a bathroom. It was so crowded... I drank so much that I really couldn't hold it. I felt like I was going to explode. As I was walking, everyone was smiling and saying hi to me. I couldn't stop and chit chat with everyone. That's how bad I had to go.

No more drinking for me that's for damn sure...

I found the closest bathroom.. geez how many bathrooms do we need? We really don't need this much!!!


(Jungkook Pov)

I was to busy talking to everyone.. that I didn't even realize that Y/N wasn't around.

Namjoon and the rest of the guys were all talking. I still didn't see Y/N...

"Hey... I haven't seen Y/N ... have you?" I asked.

Namjoon looked at me

"No, I haven't I thought she was with you" he said.

I had a bad feeling something was off.. she wasn't here.

The music died down for a little bit.. while the dj was trying to find the next song to play and was talking to a guest...

That's when I heard the screaming.. it was loud and it sounded like Y/N


I looked at Namjoon.. he heard the screaming too.


Me and Namjoon ran

We ran to find where the screaming was...

Namjoon barged into the bathroom and she continued to scream...


We were heated.

Namjoon broke down the stall of the bathroom... and thats where I saw Taehyung messing with Y/N.

My anger was up to here! This mother fucker won't stop!!!

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!" Namjoon yelled grabbing Taehyung.

The only time I seen Namjoon get like this was when someone was fucking with his money. He was turning red... fire in his eyes. To be honest, it scared the living shit out of me.

I was heated that I couldn't even calm Namjoon down.

Namjoon grabbed Taehyung and was beating the living shit out of him. He did the exact same thing I did to him.

"Jungkook! Take Y/N up to the room to get her cleaned up NOW!" Namjoon said

Namjoon didn't stop punching Taehyung.. he was going harder each time.

As I was holding her to take her up to our room. She stopped and just stared at Namjoon and Taehyung..

"I hope you fucking learned your lesson! Fucking Finally!!!! For all the times you were always trying to hurt me asshole" She said upset.

Namjoon turned around and looked at us.

"Y/N, what do you mean by always?" He asked angry.

Me and Y/N just looked at eachother.. she broke down crying harder than before.

As much as I didn't want to tell Namjoon and that we were keeping it a secret for so long... but he had to know.

"This mother fucker, has been messing with her for months! He's been fucking touching her inappropriately and hurting her. You wanna know why she was in crutches, in pain and had so many bruises and all... because it was this fucking asshole doing it to her. It was all him! He did all that shit to her. The reason why he came in hurt all the time and was shot at... it was me! I did it to him. I was teaching him a lesson because he kept hurting Y/N. So the more he kept doing it to her... the more I fucked him up. He fucked with her many times ... and he wouldn't stop." I said angry.

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