Chapter 35

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I started freaking out on the inside.. but I had to stay strong for Jungkook. As much as I wanted to cry... I couldn't...

"Baby, everything is going to be okay... nothing is going to happen to me or anyone else. You don't have to worry about nothing." Jungkook said looking and holding me.

My body started shaking... I had to walk away. Taehyung wants to kill the two most important people in my life. He just doesn't want me happy. Taehyung is draining all my happiness away from me. It wasn't fair...

I left Jungkook and Jimin in my room. I didn't want to cry in front of them. I felt weak and my stomach was hurting me. How and why does Taehyung keep hurting me? I made it to the balcony just staring out. Tears started escaping from my eyes leaving wet marks on the rails.

So much was going on in my head... it started to hurt. My stomach had a knot in it. I couldn't believe all this... the stars was lighting up the sky.

Someone came behind me and pushed my hair to the side and started kissing my neck. The only person who did this before was Taehyung. My heart was beating faster.. the knot in my stomach tighten more. My tears were falling heavily.

"Baby" he said.

His voice was soft and sweet... there's only one person who speaks like this. Could it be Jungkook?

"Look at me please" he said.

I let out my breathe that I was holding in. I had to be strong... I couldn't be a coward anymore. If its Taehyung, I have to face him. I can't be scared no more.

I turned around and it was Jungkook. He had worry in his eyes. He held me close and placed his hands on my waist.

"What's wrong Baby? You left us" he said concerned

I looked away from his stare... tears kept falling. Jungkook wiped them away with his thumb. Jungkook gently grabbed my face and I met his stare.

"What's wrong princess?" He asked again.

"I..I..I'm s-scared" I said crying.

Jungkook held me close and kissed my head.

"Princess, don't be.. nothing is going to happen. I won't let it.. Taehyung can say all that shit... he thinks he's tough. But he's not. You got nothing to worry about okay?" Jungkook said rubbing my back. "I won't let nothing happen to you.. me .. or Jimin ... NO ONE! I promise" Jungkook said. 

Jungkook's words soothed me.. maybe he was right. But I still don't trust Taehyung. He can do something so unexpectedly.

"Come on baby, let's go back in. It's getting cold" Jungkook held me as we walked back in the house to head back to my room. As we got in the foyer...

I had this weird feeling that someone was watching us. I turned and looked over my shoulder. But I didn't see anything. Maybe it was just my nerves... Maybe it was the knot in my stomach... Or maybe I was just scared  that something was going to happen to Jungkook.

We finally got to the room and Jungkook shut the door behind him. I was in the bathroom finishing getting ready for bed. Jungkook came behind me and held me close. He started kissing and biting my neck playfully. I started giggling. Then it led to sexual. The pleasure of him doing this to me was making me feel good. I closed my eyes to the pleasure.

"Mmm baby.." I moaned biting my lip. 

Jungkook started rubbing my body and was feeling me up. He grabbed and rubbed my ass.

"You like that baby" he said biting his lip.

"Mmhmm..." Enjoying every moment.

He traveled his down to my shorts. He snapped the waist band of them. Jungkook slid his hand in my shorts while he was rubbing my body. He slid his hand in my thong and found my area.

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