Chapter 4:

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I wanted to tell him but I just couldn't. Taehyung would kill me if I told anyone what he did to me. "Y/N who did this ?" I couldn't open my mouth the words wouldn't escape. All I could do was cry. Jungkook pulled me close to him and held me while he was kissing my head. Jungkook laid me down on my bed and just held me and kissed me consistently. I had to tell him but I didn't want nothing happening to me or him. "Jungkook?" I said crying. He looked at me. "Yeah Y/N?" He said. "Do you want to know who did this?" I said nervously. He looked at me curiously.
"Yeah I really do ". I sat up and explained everything. Since the time he had to leave cause of the assignment with Jimin to where My brother introduced me to Taehyung and Jhope to the kitchen incident. To hiding and Taehyung finding me and bringing me in the guest room to what happened at dinner. I explained to him everything. He started clenching his fist. I have never seen Jungkook mad before and it wasn't a pretty thing to see. I started crying covering my face with my hands. Jungkook pulled me closer and hugged me so tight. We laid back down on my bed until I fell asleep in his arms. Jungkook got up covered me with the blankets and kissed my head and closed the door behind him quietly. Jungkook was furious and needed to confront Taehyung. All the guys were leaving it had to be almost 4am. He said Goodbye to my brother and went outside to walk to his car. Jungkook saw Taehyung on the phone walking to his car. He ran right up to Taehyung.. threw his phone on the ground and slammed him into the wall of my house.
" I swear to god if you touch Y/N again Taehyung your dead" Jungkook said with rage. All Taehyung could do was laugh. He got off the wall and punched Jungkook in the face.
" What are you going to do about it Jungkook? You don't own her ". Taehyung said angrily. Jungkook punched Taehyung back and Taehyung fell on the ground. He kept punching Taehyung in the face. They fought back and forth until one of them pulled out a gun.
"Taehyung don't fuck with me or
Y/N I swear I will pull the trigger and blow your brains out. Do not fucking touch her ever again. Do you fucking understand?" Jungkook said furiously still pointing the gun at Taehyung. Both Taehyung and Jungkook was out of breath and their faces were all fucked up. Taehyung just stared with hatred at Jungkook and got up and and walked to his car and left. Jungkook walked to his car and drove off super fast out of my driveway.

The next morning, I woke up my head was pounding. The sun was coming through my window and was hitting my face. All I wanted to do was lay down all day. I felt like total shit. I looked over to the see the time. And there I saw a huge vase full of red and pink roses on my nightstand. I wonder who got me this? There was a little card that read "To my princess, I hope your feeling better this morning. I hope this makes you smile. I've been thinking about you all night. I'll see you later my beautiful princess "
-Jungkook. This was absolutely so adorable. I had a huge smile on my face. I got up to look at my phone and I saw a text from Jungkook.

 I got up to look at my phone and I saw a text from Jungkook

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How did I get so lucky? Maybe he wasn't just using me for sex? But I didn't want to get my hopes up

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How did I get so lucky? Maybe he wasn't just using me for sex? But I didn't want to get my hopes up. Or Maybe he's using me for money? Or to take my brother's spot? Or does Jungkook really like me? Ugh!! I'm so confused. I got up and went to my bathroom. There I looked in my mirror and still see the marks around my neck and the mark under my eye. How was I going to explain to my brother if he asks me. I got in the shower I needed to wake up more. I had my make up on from last night. It was smearing all over under the water. I finally got out of the shower and dried myself off through on a pair of my favorite jogging outfits and walked to the kitchen. I hear my brother talking down the hallway near is office. I wonder who could that be? I finally got into the kitchen found a bag of my favorite chips. The memory came back to me what Taehyung did. My heart stopped beating. I just stood still in shock looking at the counter where it all started. Just by having that flashback I had tears welling up in my eyes. Someone came behind me and tapped me on the shoulder.I jumped and screamed and the bag of chips went everywhere. I got on the floor and started picking up the chips off the floor. I didn't even see who tapped me. I didn't even look up. Their shiny black shoes right in front of my face. "Y/N?" He said. Awww shit! Please don't tell me it's my brother or Taehyung. Please Please!!!
" Here Y/N let me help " he said. The man bent down and started picking up the chips off the floor with me. I looked up at the man and it was Jhope.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you I saw you and I wanted to make your were okay cause of last night" he said worried. Out of all my brother's man except Jungkook and the Asshole Taehyung. Jhope was the sweetest and most caring. "Yeah, it was just a lot of stuff going on last night. Just had a lot on my plate " I said with my head down. He smiled and looked at me. "Well are you okay now? Y/N? ". I smiled back and said
"Yeah Jhope I'm a lot better thank you". We both got up from picking up the chips off the ground and threw the ones that were on the floor away. Me and Jhope kept talking and talking and just munching on snacks. "Y/N it was nice talking to you. I got to go talk to your brother. If you need anything let me know okay?" He said with a smile. I waved bye to him and he walked away. I finished up the chips I was eating and cleaned up everything. I grabbed myself a glass of tea and started to walk out the door to go outside by our pool until I bumped in to someone. My tea went all over his suit and on his shoes. My face turned white. I slowly looked up to see who it was and it was none other than Taehyung. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? I stared at his face in shock. His face was beaten up! Good this mother fucker needed this after what he did to me. But who could've done this to him. He stared at me with disgust and just slightly smiled. I didn't even want to look at him I turned around to pour myself more tea in my cup. I can slowly see him walking around the kitchen. What is his deal??? I put the tea pitcher back in the fridge and he closed the fridge door. "Y/N" He said harshly. I didn't say one word to him and walked away. He pulled my from the back of my neck and pulled me towards him. "Where do you think your going?" He said aggressive. "Away from you Asshole" I said rudely. I pulled him off me and started walking away. He grabbed me and started dragging me. I kicked him so hard that he fell to the floor. I ran so fast I was able to get into my room and lock the door. I'm not even safe in my own home. I sat against my door in the fetal position and started crying. What does he want from me?
Why couldn't he just leave me alone...

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