Chapter 22

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Geez... what's taking him so long to come home? The rain started slowing down and I saw a double rainbow. I heated up my coffee and decided to watch Tv. I heard the guys talking but it was a different topic. I couldn't find nothing good on the tv. So I decided just to put on  Netflix. Then I heard the commotion...

It went from the guys talking normal to cursing and yelling. What the fuck is going on? I got up from the couch and went to go see what the deal was. There I saw Taehyung beat the fuck up. ( YES!!!!) 'I screamed in my head' Jimin was caring him in the door.. but his expression didn't look happy. He looked upset... really upset. Then lastly, my knight and shinning armor comes through the door. He met my stare and he smiled.

"Guys! What happened?!?" Namjoon asked.
"It was just some miscommunication boss, we handled it through" Jimin said calm.

"Jungkook, what exactly happened?.." Namjoon asked.

I tried to get closer to here what was going on but I didn't want my brother getting like how he did the other day towards me.

"Y/N, I know your listening and I see you but.. can you give us some time please?" Namjoon asked.
Wow he said that nicely...

"Yeah, I'm just um ....going to go to the pool.." I said.

I went upstairs and put on my bathing suit and grabbed all my essentials for the pool. I finally got out of the doors and I still hear them. Who could've done
that to Taehyung? Well, who ever it was.. good job cause he deserved it.
I laid down on one of the lounge chairs by the pool. The reflection of the sun hit the pool and went into my eyes.  SHIT! Where's my sunglasses? I looked all over the place until I found them on top of my head. It felt amazing outside even though it just stopped raining like an hour ago. I tried to ignore what was going on in the house. They were talking really loud.. then maybe about 20mins it went complete quite. By that time, I was already sleeping. I'm probably burn to a crisp right now. Something kept touching me over and over again...

"Y/N?" The person said.

I ignored who ever it was. This was my time for once.

"Y/N ?" The person asked again.

"Stop..." I mumbled.

The person laughed. And continued to poke me.

"Stop.." this time I was getting annoyed.

Then two minutes later... I was soak and wet. I woke up

"WHAT THE FU...." I trailed off .

I took off my sunglasses and all the guys were hanging by the pool. Each one of them in their swim trunks. Even the Asshole Taehyung was there but he was sitting in a chair.

"FINALLY! You sleepy head" Jhope said smiling.

"Was that you poking me?" I asked

"Uh yeah! Who else's would it have been" Jhope laughed.

Jimin jumped into the pool. While Jin and Yoongi was on the step of the pool. Namjoon was at the grill cooking up burgers and hot dogs. I looked around and I didn't see Jungkook. I was about to lay back down on the chair. But me and the whole chair was lifted up in the air. OMG! OMG! I looked down and it was Jungkook and Jhope picking me up. They threw me in the pool and put the chair back down.

"You Asshole's!" I said laughing. They both jumped in right after. Taehyung was just watching everyone. But I felt his eyes strictly on me.  Namjoon was still at the grill cooking.

"Hey boss! Don't burn the burgers again" Yoongi said joking.
We all cracked up. My brother is not a great cook! That's why we get everything catered.

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