Chapter 10:

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It was the next morning, I couldn't even open my eyes. What the fuck happened to me? I looked over and saw a teddy bear holding a rose with a note. I rolled my eyes. Around the teddy bears neck was my necklace. I read the note
"Princess, I just wanted to tell you I love you so much." -Jungkook. In my head I thought (Yeah right, if you loved me so much you wouldn't have done this to me). I got up slowly and limped to the bathroom. I probably looked horrible. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a black eye, hand marks around my neck, rope marks on my wrist, and scratches all over. I cried so hard. But why was I limping. I walked over to the toilet to sit down and looked at my legs. My right leg was swollen and black and blue.  My door was unlocked. Namjoon found me in the bathroom. "Y/N you okay?" He asked. I started crying. "No I'm not. Look at me" I cried. He came over to me and hugged and kiss my head. Namjoon looked at my leg. He walked me over to my bed and called a doctor. The doctor rushed over and looked at me then looked at my leg. "Good thing it's not broken. Just really badly sprained." He said. He wrapped it up and gave me crutches. "You'll just have to use these for a while til it heals. I'm giving you pain medicine to relieve the pain and swelling. If it gets worse call us. And also, put a cold pack on your eye to reduce the swelling." He said. Namjoon walked the doctor out. I looked at my leg and started crying. I heard cars pulling up to our house. I went over to my window. Fucking crutches! The guys were arriving. I slowly opened my door and closed it behind me. I went down my hallway to the elevator to get to the first floor. As I finally got to the bottom, the guys ran towards me. My brother smiled at me. "Y/N " they smiled and went easy on hugging me. We all went outside to eat lunch. Jimin helped me by pulling out the chair for me. I looked at Jimin and smiled. We were all talking. Taehyung came and sat down a couple seats from me. "Y/N how are you feeling?" looking at me concerned. Yuck! I felt sick to my stomach. "Just in pain" I said keeping it short. I was playing with my food and drinking my coffee. "Where's Jungkook he's missing lunch"? Jin asked. I looked at Namjoon. "He had to go over to daegu for me, he'll be back soon" he said. I felt like I was going to get sick. I looked at Jimin to help me up. I slowly went to my dad's pond where I was recently with Jungkook. I sat there tears welling up in my eyes. How could he use me ? Why would he do this to me? I thought he loved me. Look what he did to me. I just sat there and cried.
I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked up to see who it was and it was Jhope and Jimin. They both looked at me and smiled. "Hey guys " I said wiping my tears. They both sat next to me and hugged me.
"Y/N we are going to find out who did this to you okay " Jimin said with a smile. I was really close to them. They were more like my brother's. I put my head on Jhope's shoulder while they held me and rubbed my back and leg to comfort me. "Your our little sister.. we are going to find out who did this and beat their ass" Jhope said pissed.
"Okay " I said. "Let's go back and finish lunch " Jimin said. They both helped me up and we got back to the table and sat down. Taehyung was drinking his drink staring at me and smiling. Ugh! I hate this mother fucker. I started drinking my coffee until we heard the gate open. Jungkook came in and handed Namjoon what he needed. Jungkook met my eyes and smiled a little. I just looked at my plate eating. Jimin and Jhope sat next to me so Jungkook sat next to Yoongi and Jin. Taehyung stared at Jungkook and smirked. Jungkook didn't even pick up his head. Tears started welling up in my eyes. Jhope saw me almost crying and rubbed my leg and arm. My brother saw me crying and walked over to me and turned me around. Everyone stared at us even Jungkook.
"Y/N we are going to find the person who did this. I promise you." I looked at him. I met everybody's eyes even Jungkook's and he put his head down. "Okay " I said. My brother kissed my head. "Can I go?" I said almost crying. " Yeah" he said as he helped me up. I slowly went inside I could feel everyone stare at me while I left. I went to the balcony and just sat down. I couldn't cry anymore the tears weren't coming out. I was in so much pain and my heart ached. Someone touched my shoulders. I looked to see who it was...and it was Jungkook. I didn't say anything to him. I just looked away. He came over and sat next to me and tried to grab my hand. But I pulled it away. Now the tears started welling up.
"Y/N please talk to me" he said upset with tears. I couldn't look at him. I was shaking my left leg. "Y/N, I love you" he said. I started crying. He went to grab my hand and I pulled it away again. Jungkook scooted over to me and put his hand on my leg. Taehyung was staring at us through the window watching everything.
"Y/N please talk to me... I love you " he said upset as he had his hand on my leg.
I looked at him with tears in my eyes.
"If you loved me so fucking much, you wouldn't have done this to me " I said crying. I got up and slowly went inside and Jungkook watched me go. Taehyung was already gone when I went inside. Jungkook had his head in his head confused with tears streaming down his face. I slowly went to the hallway to my room. When Taehyung stopped me. He gave me that smile. "Y/N do you need help?" He asked. I looked at him "I don't need any help from you" I said nasty and tried walking away. He didn't like that and he pushed me against the wall.
"Don't you ever try to fucking walk away from me again Y/N " he said with fury in his eyes. I was scared for my life.
"Do you understand?" He asked pissed. I pulled my head from his grip.
"Don't put your hands on me. I'm tired of this shit Taehyung. You don't own me. I'm not yours, I'm not anyone's.. so fuck off " I said pissed. He got angry at me and choked me against the wall. Taehyung kissed my lips and felt me up. I was trying to get myself free but he was too strong. "You are mine.. Do you fucking understand" he said he was still choking me. He let me go and bit my neck and left a hickey and walked away. I froze.. I couldn't move. Why was this happening?  I hate my life.. Jimin found me crying outside my door.
"Y/N what happened?!? " he asked nervously. I couldn't tell him as much as I wanted to. Taehyung would kill me. I had to think of a lie quick.
"I'm just in a lot of pain " I said. Jimin looked at me. " Y/N, where do you want to go?" Jimin asked. I looked at him and said. " I don't know " I put my head down. "Do you want to hang out with us?" He asked. I couldn't hang out with them. "Jimin, you know I can't do that. You guys have stuff to do. Maybe later " I said as I looked at him. Jimin smiled and said " Alright, Y/N". I smiled back. Jimin opened my bedroom door and I walked in and shut the door behind me. I took a bath since I couldn't stand up. I slowly stepped out and looked at myself in the mirror. There I saw the hickey Taehyung gave me. I got changed and sat on my bed and played with the teddy bears ears. The necklace was still around the neck. I couldn't look at it.. it hurt to much. I took it off and put it in my drawer. I put the Tv on and just laid under the covers. All the flashbacks of me and Jungkook came back to me. I cried and cried. My heart ached so bad. I gave him my all. But he only wanted to do was hurt me and use me for sex. It hurt so bad. I took a nap. I forgot to lock my window again. My window opened and then shut. Someone got in my bed. Oh no! The person kissed my head and held me close. Who was this?..

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