Chapter 3: The ranger Lindethiel

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The forest at night was a beautiful yet dangerous place. This forest was not grand nor was it thick with trees, I could make the outline of the misty mountains before me. I would have to climb across it, leaving Silme behind and continue on foot.

I listen to the sounds around me realizing there was none. I pull my hood lower readying my bow. It was too quiet, I thought just as an arrow flies swiftly towards me. I react fast dodging it by a second as it lands a mark on the tree behind me. I aim at my attacker, killing it.

"How have orcs gotten this close to the city?" I ask no one. One by one they appear out the shadows bearing a symbol I have not seen before.

"Firo, ulunn!" (Die, hideous creature) I cry as I jump into battle. There were too many, that I was sure. Through the chaos my hood is pulled away and most of the enemy had stopped to stare.

"Ah. You seem surprised?" I ask them aiming an arrow directly at who appears to be their leader. Silme is panicking through the chaos, I have to manage staying on her while trying to keep her calm but even that was too much to ask as I fell off her falling on my feet as two orcs make their way over to me. I keep my bow and pull out my swords, glinting beneath the moon light. I stab one orc as the other tries to stab me, I dodge it gracefully with seconds to spare and stab the second orc. I throw my dagger at one who was an archer and stood straight watching the group before me. My eyes fall upon the mark on their helmets not noticing the other archer that had already aimed a perfect shot on my head.

Before the orc let his arrow fly an arrow had struck him first. I glance behind me in search of, hopefully, an ally.

"Mannen le? Mellon nin." (How are you? My friend.) A voice calls to me in our native tongue. Calm washes over me for the voice was all too familiar.

"Lindethiel. I was looking for you." I answer as a ranger dressed in all brown and silver stands beside me.

"Everyone does. Do they not?" She asks teasingly. The orcs seem to enjoy our reunion as they just stood there watching us.

"Your eyes seem to be the cause of everyones fear, Mantheniel. Maybe that is why you cannot get yourself a lover." There was laughter in her voice, I sigh at her comment as a smile curves up my own lip.

"Let us finish this before we continue our heartfelt reunion." I tell her and we engage, taking the advantage. It was over in seconds. I soothe Silme as Lindethiel scavenges what she can with the dead orcs.

"This symbol. I have not seen it in so long." She says touching one of the orcs armor that had the strange symbol engraved on it.

"Lord Elrond would have answers but I cannot go back to Rivendell. Not yet." I tell her while I take my things from Silme. The forest is too dangerous for her, I talk to her in elvish telling her to go back home and sent her away.

"Oh. So now I am some sort of replacement for your horse?" Lindethiel ask, she had stood up from inspecting the mark.

"Of course, Lindethiel." I counter. A smile spreads on both our lips as we join together in an embrace.

"I have missed you." I tell her as we let go.

"I know." She smiles and I could not help but roll my eyes. "And I, you." She finishes. She eyes me from head to foot, walking slowly around me in a dance like trance.

"You have not changed one bit." She comments once she had finished her observation.

"Except for the clothes." She touches the fabric of my shirt nodding in approval.

"Fine cloth. Very fine."

I laugh at her comment as I turn around, showing off my new Captain uniform that Lord Elrond had requested to be made for me. It was in the color of dark teal with silver and gold linings. I look at the elf in front of me, her dark hair also rare among our kind. Although hers have an entirely different story.

She was a half-elf. Like Lord Aragorn and Lord Elrond. They were known to be a rare kind. Therefore they were special to the race of elves. She looks at me, her usual blue eyes turning grey in the darkness of the forest.

"What brings you out here?" She asks me. I tell her of my task and how I would like her to accompany me which she accepts after I convince her that the kingdom of Erebor was truly a magnificent place. Although I have only heard stories of it.

She is surprised I took the task without question when in fact I had never been to the City of Dale or the Kingdom of Erebor.

"I have seen the city of Dale." She had said when we arrived at the misty mountains.

"It is in restoration, is it not? Laketown is a town near it. I believe you will find whoever you are looking for there for there are no inhabitants in the City of Dale." We were covered in cloaks, battling the winds of the mountains as the sun began to set again.

"Not as of the moment." She adds. Which makes me sure that I have made the right choice of bringing her with me. She had not been in the city of Erebor for she was not so fond of dwarves. Not that she hated them, she just did not like their... Hygiene.

We travel across the Misty mountains telling stories to each other of the lives we have lived so far.

Dragon Fire (Thranduil Fan-fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now