Chapter 23: Cherry wine

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What in Sauron's name had that been?

I cannot believe I allowed myself to go as far as to actually... 'Touch' her. I felt my iron reserve waning at the mere thought of grazing her skin. If she had not spoken up, I would be burning in the fires of mount doom.

I curse myself for being so foolish; bringing the cup of wine to my lips a strong familiar aroma enters my lungs. She had smelled exactly like this. By the valar I was acting like a perverted love sick child. I drink the wine graciously, as the liquid travels all the way down. I shook from my seat. Who knew the smell of cherries were so intoxicating. I pour into my glass again, refilling it until the brim and watch with a grim expression the view outside my window.

I had locked myself in my chambers after our spar; not wanting to see her for my control could only go so far. I search for a reason why I had started to break but found none but the darkness that was now sweeping across my kingdom. Maybe it finally had an effect on me. I close my eyes trying to force the memory out of my head but it replays almost instantly, so vivid that I was almost sure she was still in front of me.

She is so disrespectful, naïve and reckless. Blatantly sneaking out alone with an ellon in the forest, disobeying my rules in my kingdom and had the nerve to snap at me in front of my people! Oh but something compelled me towards her. I curse myself again for admitting but I could not easily brush off the sensation I had felt when her body was pressed against me and how her breathing hitched when I was near her. Her eyes were full of fear and desire I had to find something that did not motivate me and I had been stupid enough to look at her mouth. Bruised from all the lip biting, it turned red and quivered so lightly I would not have noticed it if we were not a mere thread apart.

She could have easily pushed me away -that much I knew but she did not. Which somehow did not help tone down my desire to just-

"My lord?"

I open my eyes and notice my hands gripping my goblet so hard, I felt it breaking. I hear another knock on my door. Disheveled and utterly frustrated I reluctantly stand from my seat marching towards the oak doors that served as the entrance to my quarters. When I open the door I am greeted by, an unwelcomed sight, seeing, as everyone had been unwelcomed these days, Tauriel was no exception. Even if she was the captain of my guards. I stare down at her, aware of my scrutinizing gaze unnerving her. Her eyes dart to the inside of my chamber, probably to have her suspicions checked of my preposterous drinking addiction. Which I do not have.

"Dinner, my lord. Your son is worried about you." She says flatly, as if hiding the anger from her voice. I felt a slight swirl in my head. How much have I drank? I had not realized I let out a grunt that made Tauriel look at me suspiciously.

"Has this something to do with the spar?" She asks making me straighten my back, I hold on to the doorframe to steady myself. This was beyond embarrassing.

"Whatever do you mean?" I reply, not wanting her to get further involved.

"I have asked Mantheniel how it went and all she ever does is get flustered and mutter inaudible things but the words 'I lost'"

Tauriel was grinding me for answers but the news of Mantheniel being in such a disposition did not help stop the visible smirk that had now spread across my face for Tauriel to see.

"What did you do to her?"

I am appalled by the accusation in her voice. I raise a brow at her, and glare down just to let her know how seriously offensive that had been.

Dragon Fire (Thranduil Fan-fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now