Chapter 53: Fate and Destiny

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This chapter is dedicated to CaliSunshine00 and tolkienfan00 :) We are almost at the end and i'm going to make sure all of you, my loves, will have a chapter dedicated to you. :3

A year later

Thranduils POV

It has been a year. A year since that dreadful day. The day life had left my body only to come back to it again. I remember waking up, from a dream that was so vivid I swear it was real.

Adlanna had been there. Her warm smile present and a mischievous glint in her dark eyes. I had asked her if I was dead which she replied to with a hearty laugh. She had then shaken her head and said "Only if you wish to be, my Lord. The Valar has favored you for your sacrifice and the sacrifice of the one who holds your heart."

I remember thinking of Mantheniel. How I desperately wanted to be near her at that moment but I could not wake up from my dream. Not until Adlanna and I had given our apologies and forgiveness so that her soul may finally rest in peace. She held my hand and kissed it, sealing the blessing she bestowed upon me.

I woke up to see Legolas stumbling backwards and looking at me as if I was a ghost. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but when I looked at where we were and what I was wearing, I had understood. I was being prepared for burial. By the Valar, how long had life left my body?

Ever since that day, Legolas would not leave my side. Like he was convinced I would soon fall and die finally waking him up from his dreaming but when a year had passed by without so much of a illness befalling upon me he had finally put his fears to rest. But that was not the end of the bad news.

He had informed me then, when I had finally searched for Mantheniel, that she had left. She had left, leaving behind everything she had known in Mirkwood. Everything she had known about me. My heart dropped in that moment and I felt the familiar coldness wrapping itself around it. She had been so distraught that she begged Elrond to take away her memories so that she may continue to live for the others that she cared about. Once or twice I have been tempted to go to her and shake her until she remembered me but I always managed to convince myself, this was for the best. She need not remember. She need not get hurt anymore that she already had.

I had turned it over and over in my head. What if she did remember? Surely, she would still hold a place in her heart for me? She would surely be happy to see me alive and well? I groan inwardly at the frustration I felt inside me when my thoughts were disrupted by someones clearing of throat. I glance down from my throne to see my son. His face depicted concern as his brows furrowed slightly and the corners of his lips curved downward.

"Yes? What is it, Legolas?" I ask him, trying to compose myself. I had noted more and more people had become bothered by the fact I hardly spoke anymore and could be caught muttering to myself while I walked. People must think their King has gone mad. I see hesitation in Legolas eyes before he diverts them to stare at his boots.

"Father, I- uh." He starts and I believe it was the first time I have seen him in such a state. So unsure of himself.

"What is it, boy? Speak up." I ordered and to my surprise he lets out a sigh and faces me with determination.

"You cannot go on like this." He states, rather harshly, causing my eyebrows to lift slightly in surprise.

"The people, your soldiers, balrogs even the dwarves have noticed the change in your behavior!" His hands fly up as if he was yelling some frustrations of his own.

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