Chapter 21: Misunderstandings

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The spar was fast approaching and I have been deliberately avoiding the king. I have not given my apology, yet. Nevertheless, what harm can a few more days do? Rumors of his ill temperedness was spread throughout the palace, my name mentioned on quite a few accounts. I swallow the guilt as I walk through the palace halls, my dress making me feel vulnerable.

I felt the palace staff look at me longer than they have before; filling my ears with whispers and gossips, I force my ears not to hear. The only elleth that ever talked to me was Tauriel, how thankful I am for Tauriel. I guess the king has more admirers than I thought.

I make a swift turn remembering the last time I had seen the king; it was when Lord Elrond and Turwaithiel had left. Both blessing me with courage and strength but for different reasons. I could not wait to leave Mirkwood, but somehow I felt I would be leaving something here.

When I turn my heart practically falls to the ground as nervousness latched its way to my throat. It was he, the king. His hair free of his crown. His robe stashed away most probably for he what he was wearing was quite ordinary. He was staring at something far away, making a left turn, disappearing from my view. I let out a breath, relieved to not have been forced in a confrontation and walk cautiously to where I saw him disappear. I peek from the corner of my eyes to see his back, walking towards a room I have not noticed before. I make a mental reminder to ask Falasdir about it as soon as we met for another day of training.

I purposely wore a dress, seeing as to I only had one or two clothes comfortable for fighting I had asked Falasdir if I would be able to learn how to fight in a dress, he said it would not be impossible and it was something he looked forward to seeing me accomplish.

When I reach the courtyard he was already there, he was leaning on a tree, his back to me. I clear my throat to make him know of my presence before he turns around to face me. His eyes travel from my feet to my head as an amused smile appeared on his lips. Without warning, he throws me sword. I catch it swiftly with my right hand and smile back at him, we always started the training this way. No introductions or conversations it was immediately action and sparring.

I prepare my stance, the dress ruffling on the ground before me. I stare at him a moment my eyes trying to predict his move as he did the same. A small breeze passes by making the fabric pf my dress cling to my feet when he starts forward. It was the usual training, but Falasdir seemed more aggressive this time. I fight and block all his attacks while trying to control the movement of the dress I was wearing.

We were sparring equally when I stepped on my dress making me trip forward, a hand is around my neck pulling me back as the sword remained inches from the skin on my neck. I feel myself stiffen at the closeness. My back was pulled up against Falasdir's chest; I could feel him take in slow breaths as his heart continues beating in a not so normal rate. I dare not move for the coldness of the blade was now touching my skin. I waited for Falasdir to set me free only to be greeted by warm breaths on the back of my neck. I could now feel my own heart beating at a not so normal rate. We stay like that for what felt like hours before I hear, rather- feel the soft laughter from his mouth.

"Why so serious?" He asks in a whisper, I was sure only I could hear. I knew if I turned to face him now we would be too close for comfort.

"Having fun, are we?"

I practically jump out of my skin at the voice, unintentionally pushing Falasdir away to break free from his... whatever that was.

I turn a flushed face towards the direction of the voice only to wish the earth would open and swallow me whole. It was the king; his eyes cold and distant were locked on to me before they make their way to Falasdir, who openly greets the king with one of his warm smiles.

Dragon Fire (Thranduil Fan-fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now