Chapter 22.2: The Spar

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Authors note: Hey you! Yes, if you are reading this then I am thankful you exist!

Hope you like it. Mantheniel certainly did. *wink wink*



"Pick it up." I feel my whole body tense at the anger in his voice. Had it been something I said? I watch him warily as he turns his back away from me.

"I will not say it again." He says and I stoop down to grab the sword thrown at my feet. I weigh it on my hands, twirling it about as I watch the king take off his robe. I nearly drop the sword in my hand as he proceeded to untie the shirt under it.

"My lord?" I ask, the nervousness in my voice failed to be hidden. He turns to face me, his shirt opened slightly. He eyes me questioningly before I regain my composure again. He then proceeds to grab another sword weighing it in his own hands before his attention is turned to me.

"You did not answer my question a while ago." He starts, watching the sword in his hands.

"What question?" I feel the air thicken around us, and I was pretty sure the king was actually considering killing me.

"Have you been sneaking out of the palace?" His voice was barely above a whisper making the ice travel down and up my spine. My grip hardened as I watch the king, a few feet away from me. His silver hair almost golden due to the yellow light around us. If he were not so cold and arrogant he would have been more than just a handsome king.

"You have no answer, very well then. Is it true that you are afraid of fire?" His eyes slowly make their way up to mine and I had to force myself to stop my mouth from gaping. Had Falasdir told him? I look away, ashamed at my show of guilt.

"That is... Odd." He comments before his eyes flicked over to mine briefly.

"You may use any of the daggers in this room if you wish to. I do not need to explain to you the rules of this spar since you so clearly do not follow rules and refuse to even answer the simplest of questions."

"Yes." I find myself saying, "I have been sneaking out of the palace but Falasdir had nothing to do with it, it was I who forced him to come-" he cuts me off, his words monotonous and deadly.

"I do not care about Falasdir. But I can see that you do." He says and I fumble for a reply and eventually went for the safest answer.

"He is special to me." I say, noticing how the king's eyes twitched at my words. I feared I used the wrong choice of words for the king had made the first move. Officially starting our spar.


I step away from him, trying to get oxygen into my lungs. He barely looks like he lifted a finger. It was unfair to the entire women race! My eyes dart for a possible advantage to my height; he was at least two heads taller than I was. All the other soldiers I fought were only a head. Not fair at all. The glare and stoic expression he keeps giving me is enough for me to realize how serious he was.

I run to my right, towards the biggest open space in the room to be stopped by the sudden attack in front of me. If it were not for the pillar in front of me, my head would have been cut off. I watch in hidden horror as Thranduil pulled his sword with ease. By the Valar! I was going to die here no doubt, and if I was going to die. I might as well die with dignity. I suck in a breath, hoping to gain some confidence. I gasped as a dagger was thrown right in front of me. I hear him chuckle. What an evil man! The rage inside me began to flicker anew as I doubled back swiftly, passing by him as my arm gripped a dagger. I turn towards him in hesitation, biting my lip, again and was surprised go not see him there. I feel the coldness of a blade on my throat. My eyes grow wide; I had not even noticed him come near me!

I feel his hair, brushing against my neck and I had an internal battle of wanting to stay in that position and breaking free. I stiffen at the sudden contact of his skin on the side of my face.

"Stop biting your lip." He says his voice dangerously low and dry that I forcefully had to stop a shaky gasp from escaping my lips. By the Valar, take me now! I push off him, running a good few feet away before turning, my eyes growing wide in surprise, as he was inches away from me. I instinctively throw a dagger at him he had not expected. It grazes past his ear. He pauses for a moment as his hand travelled to his ear as red liduid trickled from it. Without a warning, he attacks and I put my blade in front of me in defence. I step back and found the heel of my boot hitting a hard object and soon enough my whole body was pushed up against it. He continues to advance, his sword and my sword making a sharp metallic sound as it brushed against each other. I could not compete to his abnormal strength as the edge of his blade came dangerously close to my neck and his face even more dangerously close to my face. I drop my sword and watch as he kicked it away swiftly with his foot. I continue to stare at my sword knowing fully well if I faced him now our faces would be inches apart. The blade was cold against my skin but I refused to show fear. I feel his breath on my cheek, trailing down my neck and I felt like I was being dragged into a soft daze. The smell of Lavender filled my lungs. He was too close.

I felt my heart beating out of my chest as I tried to even my breathing. Yet, something else was there. I could feel another heart. I foolishly look up for the heartbeat that matched the speed of my own belonged to the king, himself. I clamp my mouth shut trapping the squeal that threatened to come out. Too close. Our breathes practically mixing with each other. I watch him cautiously, unsure of what he was about to do and I could not trust my thinking to be logical. My mind was clouded and so were his eyes. So close. So close. So close. So blue. If I moved just a mere thread towards him, our lips would touch, and I could not reject the idea in my head. I could practically see the specs of silver in his eyes, who were too focused on something a few inches below my own eyes, which made me so scared to breathe. Afraid I might just breathe too much and close the gap between us.

I pushed myself to the wall some more, which was pointless, but I had to get far, the farthest I could from him. Wishing nothing but too make the invisible thread between us disappear. I blink, entering the border of being conscious and unconscious. He traps me there for what felt like eternity, our breaths just mixing when he finally makes a movement. His eyes drop down lower making my whole body squirm under his gaze. I held myself still, not wanting to let any other part of me touch him. I might just go completely mad. A thread apart. One false move and- I hold my breath as his own traveled down to the side of my neck. His cheek grazing my cheek, the one that had been injured. I wait a moment, and then another. A new sensation travelled along my skin making me feel like my whole body was on fire. I could feel him straining, the edge of the blade cold and at the same time soft on the skin of my neck. Already feeling the effect on my knees. From the corner of my eye, I could see his left arm above me. I had to break free.

"My lord." I say, it comes out breathless as I was. Barely having the strength to even open my mouth. I feel him tense in front of me. The grip on his sword tightens and I practically wanted to melt into the ground feeling the warm breaths of his own heavy breathing on my neck. My vision was cloudy but he had formed his left hand into a fist before I felt the rush of air in my ears, which was my knees cue to go soft.

"You lose." He breathed, as he pulled away from me. More like pushed himself off me. I suddenly missed the warmth his body emitted. I watch him, trying to get out of my daze. I blink, and blink again. What had that been just now? I did not dare move for I was afraid my knees would fail me.

"Leave." He commands and I practically jump out of my trance as I take every ounce of strength I had to carry me swiftly out the door. I push them open jumping at the sound of a blade being impaled on to a table. I knew I was flushed from head to toe but I could not care less for I needed to breathe. I needed to get away. I turn aimlessly from corridor to another; my heart was in a panic. I touch my right cheek, still feeling the shiver that ran down my whole being. I make it out the courtyard, my mind barely in touch with reality as my knees give in. I take in a breath covering my face with my hands. Remembering the intensity of his gaze, his touch, the way he looked. Forgive me Valar, for I have sinned.


Authors note 2: So hey. How was it? This is actually my first attempt at writing something that I would like to believe as 'steamy' HAHA! anyways, hope you like it :)

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