Chapter 34: Breakfast

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Mantheniels POV

I suck in a breath as the doors to the dining hall opens. I march in with Lindethiel by my side who has been overly ecstatic about the whole ordeal with the king. I on the other hand could hardly breathe. I could slap myself for giving in so willingly. But he felt so good. My hands turn into fists at my sides as I remembered his scent. My eyes scan the room to find that the King and his son was nowhere to be found. Instead I was greeted by a smiling Turwaithiel and Lord Elrond who looked at me rather suspiciously. I force a smile, hoping they do not see through my façade. Lindethiel sits beside Turwaithiel and I looked at the empty sit beside the king, dreadfully. It was my chair, always has been and I wished it were not. I practically drag myself towards it, greeting Lord Elrond as Turwaithiel chirps in a greeting. I did not know if I was tired or just needed to be alone.

I sit myself and drink the cup of water in front of me, rather graciously. The door opens and my eyes dart to see who had entered, surprisingly it was Elunir. He looked just as surprised as everyone else in the room. No one knew how to react as Tauriel follows suit. She must be in charge of guarding him. Where has Falasdir gone? I give Elunir a weak smile and he returns it. He stands awkwardly at first as Tauriel positions herself on the corner of the hall.

"Elunir, so wonderful of you to join us. The king has ordered for your release. I have heard." It was Lord Elrond who spoke causing me to look at him, surprise evident on my face. The king has released him? Elunir gives a small shy nod and I could not help but find it adorable. For a big ellon, he was rather soft.

"Yes. All is well then I suppose. How ever did that happen? I wonder."

"It was Mantheniel." Elunir responds, as all eyes turned to me. I kept the cup in my mouth, pretending to drink.

"How ever did you convince him?" It was Turwaithiels turn to ask, almost making me choke on my drink. If I had known any better, I would say my face was the color of cherries. I hear Lindethiel clear her throat as I put my cup down.

"I- uh, talked to him and asked him nicely." I managed to say.

"Oh." Was her only response, although I knew that what I said was hard to believe. Lindethiel stifles a laugh as I felt Lord Elronds eyes on me. Elunir as well, he had a questioning look on his face as his dark brows furrowed. Was I really that bad of a liar? He sat beside Lindethiel and Lindethiel immediately jumps into a conversation.

"Good morning, everyone."

I embarrassingly jump at the sound of his voice, hitting the table with my leg and causing it to vibrate as everyone was looking at me weirdly. Legolas was the one who came into my view first. He greets everyone with a bow but a special smile was given to Turwaithiel. I shift in my seat as his warmth seemed to cling on to me. I give Legolas a smile and forced myself to look at him. My mistake. He had his eyes boring down on me I could almost suffocate at the intensity. Gone were the icy blue, now I did not even know what to make of the emotion lingering in those blue orbs. Everyone greets out their greetings until it was but I left. I touch my hair nervously as it had been braided by Lindethiel this morning. I even had to change into a different dress, one that would cover the mark on my wrist. I turn to face him with every ounce of courage I could muster and give him a smile. Realizing too late that that would have been a very peculiar thing to do.

"Good morning, your highness." My voice shook and I mentally slapped myself as I reached out for the cup again. Why was my mouth so dry.

"I am pretty sure the king had, no doubt, a pleasant morning." Lindethiel suddenly speaks causing me to almost drop the cup. I hold on to it for dear life as I bring it to my lips. Thranduil looks at Lindethiel and I was afraid he was going to lash out on her but instead his lips curve slightly into a smirk.

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