Chapter 14: Confessions and Conclusions

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Mantheniels POV

I walk around the halls of Mirkwood, recalling the way towards the king's throne room by memory. The only sounds the accompanied me was the sound of the dress I was wearing running through the floor. I pull on the sleeves, having a dress that was the same as the last one. Only this time its color was midnight blue, something I liked so I did not complain as much. When I reach the last corner I am met with a very angered Tauriel, she almost hit me being distracted with her thoughts.

"My lady!" She exclaims, swerving the almost collision of our shoulders.

"Please, call me Mantheniel." I tell her, giving off my best smile. I needed to make more friends here and not enemies, and by the looks of the elleth's that I passed by earlier with Falasdir, it was going to be a hard task.

She gives me a tired smile, but I knew it had been sincere by the way her eyes looked at me.

"Alright, Mantheniel. What brings you here?" She asks, now sounding calmer than she had looked moments ago.

I hesitate for a moment telling her of my intentions but decided to trust her. What could go wrong?

"Is the king back yet? I have to apologize for my behavior a while back."

"Yes he is, although I would advise you to do whatever you are planning to do, on the morrow. He is in a sour mood." She sounded upset looking down on the floor before meeting my eyes again. I bite my lip; surely, I had contributed to his foul mood.

"Do not dwell on such matters, Mantheniel. It is not entirely your fault; the king is always in a foul mood. Now it is just...fouler." She teases, smiling at me reassuringly. I thank her, pushing through the decision of apologizing. Maybe it would brighten up his spirits, even just a little. As I walked through the wooden bridge towards the entrance of the throne room, I knew it was near impossible to brighten his mood.

I enter the throne room to find it empty, there were no guards posted and no king on the throne. Even so, I approach the throne closer, hoping to see the king materialize from it. I stare at it; it was truly a magnificent chair. I blush remembering how he caught me the last time.

"Do you make it a habit to enter the throne room when it is empty?"

I jump at the sound of his voice, swirling around ungracefully to find him emerging from the same place he had emerged the last time. He stood there staring at me with those blue eyes and I have to force the words out of my mouth.

"I do not mean to do it on purpose." I say, making him raise a brow at me. Why it is everyone raises a brow at me when I speak? I straighten my back, suddenly conscious of the dress I was wearing. I was not used to wearing a dress but that was not what made me suddenly nervous. It was our previous encounter, the first time I believed I have heard him give me a compliment. I avoid his eyes, looking at everything but him.

"Why have you come here?" He asks after a while, his voice cold and harsh making me regret my decision. I swallow hard, and meet his gaze with every strength I had. His blue eyes pierced through me making me realize how mad he was. I should have heeded Tauriel's advice, and ran the other direction but Lord Elrond taught me better so I stand there, matching his cold stare. I had every right to be angry with him as well.

"I came to apologize, my lord." I start, inclining my body to face him. I pull my chin up so he would not seem so tall and intimidating. He was like any other ellon, only taller and a king, I tell myself. He steps forward making my heart beat a little faster. He looked more intimidating without his crown and robe. By the Valar he looked intimidating doing anything!

"Apologize for what?" He asks rather mockingly as he strides to the side, I follow him with my eyes unsure of how to proceed. If he was playing a game then I do not want any part of it.

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