Chapter 18: Reckless truth

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I walk around aimlessly around the halls of Mirkwood palace. After dinner, we had left for Elrond had important matters to discuss with the king. I could not ignore the fear in me for the possible things they could be discussing, like my ill-mannered behavior. In every possible turn, the king had the advantage.

When we left, I had to excuse myself from the company of Turwaithiel and Legolas, as they were planning to go to the library. I was sure enough that I would not be good company, and it seems like it was a better choice to leave them both alone. I smile, happy that at least Turwaithiel was getting what she deserved. When I look up I find myself watching the great oak doors of the palace's entrance. I look around before pushing it open, welcoming the cold air that kissed my bare skin. I stand at the entrance unsure of what to do next and breathe out an air of relief.

I watch the forest before me, dark and silent. Danger screamed from every part of it thatI wonder what it was like a long time ago. When darkness had not fell upon it yet, it must have been beautiful for elves to stay even though it was deemed unsafe. On the other hand, maybe they stayed for their king... I quickly banish the thoughts, hating myself for my growing curiosity for the soul that had forced upon me this ridiculous predicament. A smile creeps up my lips, remembering our little squabble at dinner. He had seemed so human. I almost thought he changed. I fight the uncontrollable blush that managed its way to my face, remembering the way he laughed. Stop, Mantheniel. He was only playing a game. I smirk, proud of how I managed to play his game. Then the accident flashes in my mind and I am reminded of why I hated him. I glance up the guard posted on a watchtower beside me, would he notice if I walked into the forest. Of course he would, I clicked my tongue as I look at what I was wearing. One would have to be blind not to see this color of a dress running in the forest. I run an impatient hand down the dress straightening its folds before my ears pick up a slight sound from the trees.

My eyes snap up, squinting slowly until I make out the figures of shadows in the forest. Orcs! They have gotten so near! I feel a short panic through me as I reach for my sword, finding nothing but silk and laces. I curse under my breath, hating dresses even more.

"You there! Give me a sword!" I shout to the guard above me. He looks at me for a moment, questioning my very existence that I had to hold back the urge to snap at him.

"Orcs! I believe you should send out a warning right now and give me a sword!" I was growing impatient as he looks over to where I had seen the orcs, he squints for a moment before blowing on to the horn that echoed through the palace. He then looks at me in hesitation before throwing a sword to me; I catch it with my right hand feeling the weight of it. This would have to do.

"Sy telir! (They're coming)" I warn and without second thoughts I advance, wanting nothing more but to vent out all of this anger to filthy creatures that deserved it.

At first they do not move, watching me as I close in the space between us. They had only realized I was an enemy when I successfully beheaded the one who was in front of their lines. I give out a smirk, feeling slightly better after killing one of them. One of them insults me in the black speech, enough for me to grow angrier. I wanted nothing more but to kill each one of them. I grab the orc blade from the one that I has just beheaded as other elves finally join me. One of whom gives me the slightest of amused smiles before joining in the battle. I smile at Falasdir, watching him killing them swiftly with such grace one would think he was dancing.

We fight side by side, him protecting me and the other way around. I lose him a couple of minutes into the battle, finally realizing how big the pack was. I see him moments later being surrounded by no more than five orcs, all ready and reeking of blood lust. Then something happened. A tree caught on fire. I felt my pulse quicken at the sight. My eyes follow the flame as it spread from one tree to another as branches fell on the ground. I stood, paralyzed like a deer caught in a trap. How I loathed fire. The flickering flame seemed to have voices of their own, mocking me.

"Mantheniel!" Falasdir calls and I am shortly brought back to the present moment. I push forward towards him only to fall flat on my face. I push myself up with my elbows glancing behind me at the orc who had his foot on my ludicrous dress. Nothing ever good came out of wearing dresses! The sound of the flames echoed my ears and I felt more vulnerable as the orc stared at me, its eyes glinting.

The orc gives me one of the ugliest smiles I had ever seen before proceeding to grab my dress and drag me towards it. It was a big orc, bigger than most and I could not hide the fear growing in me as my eyes dart to the sword that had escaped my grasp as I fell. When the orc stops pulling I lay below it watching it from the ground as it raises a very painful looking sword above me, ready to strike. I close my eyes ready for the impact but instead getting sliced in half I hear metal clashing. When I open my eyes and a marvelous sight greets me. The king in action. Stop gaping you fool. I wake up from my trance as the king swiftly slices the head of the orc before me. He offers me nothing but a cold hard glance before finishing the rest of the orc's. I was left there staring at him when a hand is offered to my side; I blink before seeing whom the hand was attached to. Falasdir had a worried smile on his face, as his hand outstretched towards me. I thankfully grab it, hoisting myself up. Watching the scene before me, I felt calm as the elves start to extinguish the flames. I see the prince had joined the fight too. He spoke to his dad in elvish, whispers I could not hear before the prince bows and heads onwards into the forest followed by a group of 10 elves to say the least. I watch them disappear into the shadows before feeling that strange feeling I would have when the king's eyes were on me.

I look up at him shyly as Lord Elrond joined the scene, his face worried as it fell on me. I felt the blush burn my face and was comforted as Falasdir casually moved beside me, hitting his elbows with mine. I look at him briefly but he was looking elsewhere. Still the movement was enough to make me feel I was not alone.

"Do you have a death wish?" The king's voice suddenly booms through the forest making my breath hitch. I averted his eyes, embarrassed to be scolded in front of Lord Elrond. I felt him come closer, his robe making the dry leaves rustle beneath him. He was but a few inches away before his voice rang in my ears again, this time it was low but still injected with poison making my heart start clawing its way out of my mouth.

"Because I would happily grant it without the need for you to try and kill yourself out in the forest." I feel Falasdir tense beside me; he was glaring at Thranduil with his hand gripping his sword.

"How many times must you be so reckless for you to realize that doing things out of emotions would lead to nothing but death and destruction? You could have died." He continues taking another step towards me. Then it was there, a scar from his left cheek to his left eye leaving him blind. A gasp escapes my lips, as he faces away. I could not look away.

"You are not allowed to leave the palace without permission. You will do your training within the palace walls." He orders, his back to me. I suddenly feel like the world had devoid me of oxygen, for the first time in my life I did not know what to do.

I am sorry. Was what I wanted to say but the image of his anger, his scar had stitched my lips together.

"That dress, such a waste..." He says, making my heart sink even lower. I tore my gaze away from him, feeling sorrier than ever. He looks at Elrond for a moment before he proceeds to walk further away.

"She needs to control her emotions." He calls to Elrond who was now looking at me. I hold my head high as I walk back to the palace, wanting nothing more but to be alone. Glancing once at Falasdir, who seemed to look sad and worried at the same time. I offer him a small smile. He offers one back, before shaking his head. With that, he follows Thranduil into the forest; I watch them both my eyes lingering on to the back of the silver haired elf. Hating myself for the pain in my heart was all too real. I turn away, passing by Lord Elrond, surprised that he did not try to stop me and instead placed an arm around me as we walked together in silence towards the oak doors of Mirkwood.


Authors note: Heyy, so how was it? Hope I didn't disappoint. *throws left over confetti* comments, suggestions and votes are greatly appreciated. I'll give you guys Lembas bread!

Dragon Fire (Thranduil Fan-fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now