Chapter 22.1: The Spar

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Authors note:

And here, the moment you have all been waiting for. Drumroll please!

The spar! *throws pieces of Lembas bread* So yeah, hope you like it.

By the way, I'd actually like to dedicate this chapter and the next one to @Tammyt70! Hey! It's for your inspiring comments and your 'never failing' support. Thank you, this is for you!



I had not expected her to fight so fast.

She was already pinning down the fourth soldier with her sword. If she wanted to, she could have easily killed him along with the other three. I watch in amusement from my seat, Legolas had also been engrossed at the battle before him. I believe no one has ever seen a more aggressive and dangerous elleth. The soldier on the ground calls out a truce and I watch as Mantheniel continue to stare down at him as if in a trance, the same thing happened before to the other three. It was as if whenever she fought, she was not herself but something else was taking over her. She blinks and I knew she had snapped out of her trance, watching her lips mutter an apology before she gets off the soldier dusting her pants. She offers the ellon below her a hand, which he reluctantly accepts.

They bow to each other in a form of respect as she holds out her sword for her next opponent. I shift in my seat, feeling Legolas' eyes travel to me.

"Are you sure you want her to fight, Falasdir?" he asks and I could not help but hear the concern in his voice.

"Why? Do you not think she could win?" I counter making Legolas look at Mantheniel again who was now face to face with Falasdir, their faces seemed to be void of all emotions.

"No, it is not Mantheniel I am worried about. I believe Falasdir has grown a liking to her; he will not fight with all his worth. "He starts, finally engrossed again with the scene before him. I watch them both as well. As Legolas continues to speak.

"If the rumors were true." He adds, making me shift in my seat again.

If. I repeat in my head just as Mantheniel bows to Falasdir. He smiles at her as he bows. And I could already see the color on her face. I try to hide my scoff, which goes out more like a cough getting a concerned reaction from Legolas.

"Are you alright, Adar?" He asks and I nod, waving him off as Mantheniel and Falasdir ready their stance. It was Mantheniel who was first to attack, Falasdir barely dodging it. They continue to spar, seeing as they are both equally matched for each other. The sun was starting to sink in the horizon, making their shadows longer and lighter throughout their fight. I watch the crowd around us, everyone seemed to be watching it with keen interest they all gasped at the same time when Falasdir had successfully grazed Mantheniel's right cheek. She steps back, horror in her face that was quickly changed into one of her stoic expressions. Ones she would often use when facing me. Falasdir on the other hand seemed to have regretted his action, retracting his sword and watching her with concern. Mantheniel twirls the sword in her hand, making me think like she would give up but instead she readies her stance again giving a soft nod to Falasdir, he nods back and I push down the irritation I had with their connection. They walk around the arena, face to face until Falasdir stops, his back to me. I had a clear view of Mantheniel, with the sunset painting colors on her face. Her eyes. Something about them seemed, unnatural now. She leaps in front of him causing Falasdir to protect himself with his sword. I could hear the gasps from the elves around them, their eyes wide with anticipation, mouths slightly open. I had not even realized I had already been leaning forward- slightly.

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