Chapter 26.2: After Party

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Thranduils POV

I stare at her, a little confused at her presence and a little relieved at the same time. I hesitated to approach her as she stirred.

"Lindethiel, is that you? I think I may have drank too much." She says, her voice muffled by the blankets that were now tangled around her. Her skin glowed under the pale moon light that seeped through the open windows, her hair burning with such intensity as if it was daring me to touch it.

My nervousness surfaced the moment she propped herself up on her elbows, her burning eyes scanning the room. I was about to turn away, before she spotted me for the valar knows what unreasonable conclusion she would have to find herself on my bed, when her muffled voice stopped me.

"My lord?"

I hesistate a few moments before I lock eyes with her, she was a mess. She had her weight pushed up by her elbows as her hair fell all over her face, tangled. The sleeves of her dress hanged loose on her shoulders. A mess she was, but a glorious one, which made me, hesitate even more. This was unbecoming.

She continued to stare at me, her eyes lacked acknowledgement and the usual focus they had. Left in a daze, she tilts her head slightly to the right, her brows furrowing in confusion. My mouth remains shut, loss for words at the sight before me.

"My dreams have been strange of late." She says, the words tumbling out of her mouth like silk, the sound new to my ears. I breathed in slightly as I watch her push herself up in a sitting position, looking around the room.

"This room is quite lovely." I furrow my brows at her. Scolding myself for my lack of composure. I step forward, closer to her, causing her to snap her eyes up at me. The silence was deafening as I take another step towards the bed, and another. She remains in place, her eyes following my movement. I make contact with the foot of the bed, inches away from her.

Control, Thranduil. Control.

To my surprise, she shuffled forward, the blankets wrapped around her lower body.

What in grey havens was I doing?

She was inches away from me when she pulls herself up to her knees, her head now in level with my chest. She bites her lip and my hands turn to fists at my sides. There was confusion in her eyes, and hesitation as she reaches up slowly her hands inches away from my face.

"This is the first time I had dreamt of the king." She says, mostly to herself.

She thinks she is dreaming.

"You are not dreaming." I state, unsure of her reaction to the revelation. Instead of retracting her hand, her warm skin makes contact with my face. Calmness washed over me at the feel of her skin, she runs her hand slowly on my left cheek, where she had seen that horrid scar. I am about to flinch away from her touch and her pity when she speaks again.

"Oh." She says, not sounding surprised at all then she smiles and I felt the feeling of need sweep over me. What was she doing to me?

Maybe she possessed magic like the lady Galadriel or Elrond or- I was interrupted from my thoughts as she met my gaze.

"This is a dream, if it was not you would have swatted my hand away." She states and I could smell the wine and ale emitting from her mouth. She was drunk, that would explain everything.

"This dream could very well be a nightmare then." I reply and she holds my gaze, her eyes filled with an emotion I could not understand. Her hand remains on my left cheek as the strings of my control come loose one by one. I desired wine and she was like the epiphany of such desire. I rest my head slightly on her arm, feeling her warmth. If this was a dream to her, then this would be the first dream I would not want to wake from. I planted a soft kiss on her wrist, I hear her breathing hitch as my arm goes up to the hand placed on my cheek. I held her hand there as my lips travelled lower down her arm, creating a trail.


I kiss lower.

Stop Thranduil.


By the Valar, Thranduil!

I stopped, reaching the last part of the skin her sleeves exposed and looked at the skin exposed on her neckline. She breathed heavily, it was quite a relief to know I was not the only one who found it hard to breathe.


I watch her from the corner of my eye, her eyes were fixed on our hands; clasped together.

Another string goes loose as I savored the taste of the skin on her neck. She leans forward, as her neck arched back slightly.

She was making it so difficult not to go on. I mentally curse myself as my lips touched her jaw and soon enough our lips were a thread apart. I hated the effect she had on me. Just one taste and it feels like I've drank two barrels of wine. My eyes linger on her lips as I felt her eyes on me. The sudden image of Falasdir and her disappearing into the forest boiled inside me as my grip on her hand tightened.

The air around us was humid, our breathing mixed with the smell of wine and ale were around us, my eyes met hers in that instant and I am snapped back into reality.

"I have every intent of kissing you right now and you are making a poor show of rejecting me, which you should. Instead, you do nothing but aggravate me and test my control. Which unfortunately I am shameful to admit is waning." My voice comes out as a whisper as my hand held on to hers tightly.

"And as much as I want to. I am still a man of respect, and seeing as you are not yourself; I will back down. Seeing you desire me this way makes me think I am dreaming too." I finish. She eyes me for a moment as her thumb runs softly on my skin.

"This is not a nightmare." She starts her voice trembling lightly and sounded quite dry.

"You are no monster." Her words hit me and I was caught off guard by the emotions that was carried with her voice. The pang of pain was unnoticeable as I felt the sudden need to leave her at once and walk away before she continues to break my exterior. Oh how I wanted to believe her. Gratitude for the kindness of her words welled up in me and I place a kiss on her forehead. A soft peck that was only meant to thank her for her efforts and to say goodbye to this moment that would most likely never happen again. I will not allow it.

"I find that I like your company better when you are intoxicated." I say as she falls softly on my chest. She mumbles something in reply, but was now lost in between the worlds of dreams and reality. Her breathing steadies and I know she had fallen asleep.

I held her for as long as the moment allowed me as the last string of my control loosens, I placed her gently back on my bed watching her before turning away to tie the strings up again. My hand touches my cheek were her skin had been and I had never felt so peaceful.


Authors note: Hey! So I'm sorry. I kinda leave you guys hanging all the friggin time when they 'almost' get it on. HAHA but trust me it'll be worth it I swear. So here ya go. :> I hope you like it! haha Thranduils loosening up. Mantheniels a cute drunkard and everything is going to burn up the next day so stay tuned! ;)

Comment? Vote? suggestions? Feel free to message me! *Swims around Thranduils jacuzzi*

*whispers* come, join me!

To all Falasdir and Mantheniel shippers, I did not expect the arrival of your ship! Lol like how didnt expect to reach 10k reads and 500 votes. This makes me beyond happy, so thank you!

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