Chapter 1 : Welcome to Rivendell

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Authors note: This Chapter will be in 3rd person POV and the rest will be 1st person POV :D


A pair of eyes watch the silent Kingdom of Rivendell. Night was upon it and its people. Nothing but the calming flow of the waterfalls and crackling fires from the lamps and campfires could be heard.

The eyes scan the scene before it, taking in the cold air. The owner of the eyes stay atop the highest peak of the walls that protected the city. A silent hooded figure, watching over. A sharp crack was heard as the hooded figure snapped back, a bow and arrow at the ready aiming at what appears to be another elf with a bow and arrow. The hooded figure puts down its weapon first, bowing at the other apologetically.

"Lord Legolas, forgive my actions. I had not sensed your presence." The voice was a woman's. Legolas eyes the figure strangely as it pulls its hood off revealing eyes of strange color.

"Dragon fire..." Was all Legolas had spoken out for the woman in front of him nods her head, bowing once again to the prince of Mirkwood.

"Lord Elrond is expecting you, my Lord." The woman exclaims, her eyes glowing beneath the moon making it seem like it was caught on fire.

"Yes." He says with a short bow, the woman then proceeds to keep all of her weapons and walk to the direction of Rivendell's main entrance with the young prince following her. Legolas still had not quite understood who was walking in front of him.

He did not know her and this was the first time in his life he had ever laid eyes on the woman known as "flame of the dragon". It must be her eyes, for anyone who came across it would surely not mistaken her for anyone else.

Two servant elves greet them at the door, opening it before them. The woman moves to the side gesturing Legolas to go in first. When they arrive at the great hall, Elrond greets the young prince with a warm welcome and a hug.

"Welcome Legolas." He says, opening his hands wide.

"Did my father tell you I was coming?" Was the prince's reply. Watching Lord Elrond warily.

"Yes and no." Was the foreseers answer. A small glint of a smile visible on the corners of his lips.

"So you know of my reason to come here so sudden?" He asks the dark haired elf while glancing at the woman who had been standing silent in the far corner of the room since they came in. Of course, this does not escape Lord Elrond's sight.

"Do not worry about Mantheniel,  Legolas. She will not do you harm." The dark haired elf walks over to the flaming haired maiden's side who has remained in a stand still position since they arrived. Mantheniel could not stop a smile from her lips escaping, she was always surprised how her reputation seems to precede her.

"Ah. I am not worried about that. Just curious." The prince eyes Mantheniel who allowed herself to be observed by the young prince of Mirkwood.

"Tell me, Rivendell is such a big place and yet you only have a single guard watching the entrance?" The question comes out sounding more like a worried accusation than a question.

Lord Elrond proceeds to pour some sort of drink in three goblets, offering one to Legolas who stares at the goblet and its contents before staring back at Elrond, awaiting an answer.

Mantheniel is offered the third cup which she gladly takes without question.

"Mantheniel is one of the best soldier Rivendell has, Lord Legolas. Not meaning to boast but, I believe you have heard of her?" He asks the bright haired elf who had taken a sip of the drink he was offered.

"Yes. Everyone knows of her and her eyes."

Lord Elrond nods in agreement.

"Then you must know why she is the only one guarding the entrance?"

"But what if an attack came?"

"She will warn the others, with a horn." Lord Elrond gestures to Mantheniel who produces one out of her coat revealing a small horn made of silver and Iron.

"Ah." Was the only thing that comes out the prince's mouth he should know well enough that Elrond was truly someone who had intelligence and his actions should never be questioned.

"So about your visit." Elrond continues, as Mantheniel continued to observe the young prince from her corner of the hall.

"Yes. I am here to see Aragorn-" Legolas explains but was cut off by a raise of Elrond's hand.

"You mustn't rush things, Legolas." Elrond says, placing his now empty goblet back on the table.

"But my father-"

"Yes, I am very aware of what your father has told you." Elrond says cutting the prince off once again, Mantheniel observes with interest. Watching as Lord Elrond continues to banter with the Prince. She has only heard stories of the woodland realm, from Lord Elrond, books and stories told to her by Turwaithiel. So this was the young prince Turwaithiel has talked graciously about. Still she could not find the reason why Turwaithiel would think so highly of him.

"There is, however, another reason why he sent you here." Elrond continues and stays silent for a while. The whole place was swallowed in silence. It was already past midnight, the whole kingdom must be asleep. Mantheniel's thoughts travel to a certain dark haired elf who was probably still awake at this time, reading a book.

"And what, may I ask, is the other reason?" The prince asks, placing his now empty goblet on the table whereas Mantheniel had rarely taken a sip from hers.

"Your heart." Was Elrond's only reply letting Mantheniel have more questions than she had answers, she watches as the prince expression changes from sorrow to the one he had since he came here- an expression void of all emotions.

"A room has been prepared for you. Mantheniel will take you there." Elrond calls out to them as he walks towards two grand doors that served as an entrance to his chambers.

"We shall talk when the sun has risen, you will meet Aragorn then." He finishes closing the doors behind him, leaving a very curious Mantheniel and a silent prince alone.

"My lord?" Mantheniel speaks breaking the silence between them. The prince seemed to be lost in his thoughts before taking notice of Matheniel who was waiting for him at another entrance. He then starts to follow her across the halls of Rivendell watching as her hair glowed differently under the moon and how it still could not compare to the hair of the elleth he had to leave behind. His thoughts were too preoccupied that he hadn't noticed Mantheniel had already stopped walking.

"My lord." She calls again regaining his attention. She was standing in front of two great oak doors, designed beautifully by elves. He bows to her in gratitude before retreating to his new chamber, closing the door silently behind him.

"Welcome to Rivendell." Mantheniel says before the door closes in front of her.

Dragon Fire (Thranduil Fan-fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now