Chapter 55: A King's Star

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Authors note: Im glad you guys are not hating on my plot twist. XD That would have been a problem. *laughs nervously* this chapter is probably the longest. Yeah, It probably is because its.... well.

This part is dedicated to DreamyWalker and @JordanblackXD and @lidiaaaa_503 . :D Thank you for your votes and comments! <3


Thranduils POV

She was being impossible. Impossible to resist. The feast had ended in my favor, to say the least. Although I could not help but notice most of the Ladies invited were looking at me curiously, except for one particular woman whose attention means the most to me. The music had started playing, as the rhythmical harmony of the flute and harp rang in my ears, I could not help but watch her. Standing almost as if she did not want to be here, near the walls of the palace. She was fumbling with something in her wrists and in that moment, her gaze went up and locked in with mine. Something about it made me feel like she was thinking of something. Something that concerns me. Her eyes dart away quickly and I felt the familiar odd sensation of elatedness whenever I saw her get nervous under my gaze. My feet had barely started to stride over to her when a commotion had erupted from the corner of the courtyard, far from our view.

She quickly lifted up her skirt and dashed towards the direction, followed by some of the elves that were at the gathering. I could not help but follow as well. Her curious glance at my direction before disappearing was enough for me to know I would follow her anywhere. When I turn to the corner, Elrond was beside me. His expression told me nothing as soldiers came into view before us. Most of them were his, and if I was not mistaken, under the care of Mantheniel. They all give her a sheepish grin as she trotted among them, her eyes blazed and made them all sink into the darkness until at last she looked at what had caused their slight plight.

An arrow was embedded high up into a stone pillar that served as a roof over a strangely unused balcony. The soldiers move nervously around her as she turns to them again, her eyebrows raised. It was amusing to see them squirm and shy away from an elleth. Made even more amusing that this elleth was wearing a dress of silver with laces as fiery as the color of her hair. She walks slowly before them, her eyes holding authority as the soldiers look at her, there expressions solemn until one of them breaks his façade and a smile cracks through his lips. Soon after all of them had smiles on their faces as they gazed up at her with glee and admiration. She cocks her head to the side as her own grin replaces her once straight expression.

"Having a bit of fun are we? And without me?" She feigns hurt as the soldiers laughed merrily. She turns around to face the arrow, stumbling a little. The wine had not left her body yet. I could not help but be one of her many audiences. Most of the nobles surrounding the now festive sight were talking in harsh whispers but she paid them no mind as her eyes dart from the arrow to the balcony railing and then to her soldiers.

"What is this?" Elrond asked one soldier that was close enough. The soldier seemed to be surprised as his eyes dart from me to Elrond. After a while he manages to find his voice, sounding guilty.

"It is a game. Captain invented it. It helps with our ability of climbing fast and balancing while retrieving something." He explains as he motions for the arrow.

"She gives us all a fair chance but in the end only one or two of us can actually do it without falling on our... behind."

"I did not know she invented these kinds of training?" Elrond comments as the soldier seemed to get more uncomfortable.

"It was unplanned, my lord. Just brought to mind one day and it has stuck ever since." The soldier continues to explain as gasps erupted from the crowd. My eyes flickered briefly to Mantheniel who was, no doubt, preparing to retrieve the arrow.

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