Chapter 10: Hello again

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Mantheniels POV

We leave before the sun had even risen. I followed Legolas, matching his speed. He was quite determined to get home as fast as possible. My curiosity to what was written in those letters grew every minute I spent with the Elven prince. He had been quiet during the journey, only speaking when it was needed like telling me to stop or be quiet. The king and he even had similarities with their personalities.

He was definitely his father's son. Detached and quite unnerving. We spent most of the nights during our trip sitting by a fire in awkward silence. I had not mind it for I was quite used to not socializing. We would start our again during the break of dawn and stop only when it had become too dark. Once or twice, I found myself trying to start a conversation, simply because the silence of the night seemed to beckon me to do so. He would reply with a single word, the most I had gotten was a full phrase and then there was his occasional nods. He seemed to be so engrossed in his thoughts that on the fourth night during our trip, I had not even bothered anymore. When reach the borders of Mirkwood, he had slowed down his pace. I take off my cloak, watching him as we walk through the forest. Would it be disrespectful if I would accuse him of doing something to Turwaithiel? Before I could come up with a conclusion to my own question, I was thrown to one of the trees, hitting it with my shoulder.

I look to my attacker to be greeted by the largest spider I had ever laid my eyes on. It lunged forward making me jump to the side where I spot Legolas already trying to fend off more of them with his silver daggers. I pull out my own blades joining the battle. I pierce through the head of the spider that threw me to the tree pulling it out only to be bathed with its blood. I groan in disgust wiping my blade on my tunic. I kept a watchful eye on the elven prince, even though he was known for his skill and should not be underestimated; he was still someone I needed to protect. I make my way over to him for he was battling three of them at the same time and one was planning to join the fiasco from above. I stab two of whom were making their way over to me and throw one of my blades to the one right above Legolas' head as he finishes off the other three. This was endless, I thought as I saw from afar a larger group than the one that attacked us were making its way over.

"Where are my father's guards?" I hear Legolas ask and I had to question it myself. Are not elves on patrol all the time in these woods? I hold on to my blades, ready for the second cluster of the eight legged creatures crawling towards us, their steps making the ground below us shake.

"This is futile." Legolas was getting impatient from the sound of it, preparing his bow and arrow. I glance at the bow slung over my shoulders and decided to stay with my blades. I watch the spiders fall down one by one with a perfect shot to the head. Impressed and distracted by his skills I had not realized one young spider coming out from the ground below the prince's foot. I react out of fear and hurl myself towards it stabbing it right in the middle of its eyes. It screams in pain as I pull my blade out.


Was all I felt as soon as another young spider comes out of the ground sinking its pincers into my leg. I slice off its head watching as its body falls to the ground, the head firmly attached to my leg. I get a concerned look from Legolas as his eyes travel to the spider head attached to my leg with its pincers. I wave him off pulling the head in one swift motion. I shout in pain. I was not used to being injured. I sway a little as I face the rest of the enemies.

"Are you alright?" I hear Legolas ask but I could not give him a reply. I blink a few times, noticing my vision had gone blurry. How fast does the poison travel? I feel the hot liquid oozing out of my leg. I was bleeding out. I fall to my knees watching the blurred image of Legolas fending off the rest of them. Get up, Mantheniel. Get up. My blades are thrown in front of me, I fall to the ground, and the pain seems to double as I reach for one of them. The last thing I saw was the spiders falling down fast as another group join us, the familiar red hair of the elleth called Tauriel with them. I feel arms around me, turning me around slowly. It was Legolas talking to me in a loud voice but he seemed so distant. I take in a breath before darkness engulfs me.

Dragon Fire (Thranduil Fan-fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now