Chapter 16: Games

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Mantheniels PoV

I plan to avoid the king at all cost, and since he rarely leaves the palace, my best chances are outside. I sneak out the palace, hidden beneath a cloak the color of earth. When I thought I was far enough I pull the hood up breathing in the free air that I had not had in a long time.

"Sneaking out the palace now, are we?"

I spin around losing my balance like the ungraceful elleth that I am to be saved by a hand gripping me lightly in my arm, pulling me forward. I am greeted by the familiar dark eyes of Falasdir, his smile that of a mischievous boy. I smile up at him, embarrassed for lacking grace and for being caught. He had his uniform on, dark brown everything, to help hide him in the forest, at least that is how I reasoned it to be. He watches me with a slight squint of his eyes as if trying to understand what it was exactly standing before him.

"No wonder the king insists to keep an eye on you." He teases, making heat rise up to my cheeks. I face away from him, hiding my stupid blush and walk further away from the palace. I hear him follow me, feeling his eyes boring into my back.

"I think you may have some kind of death wish or you would not be so determined to aggravate him further." He says behind me, I turn around and face him ready to fight for my every right when I see the look on his face. It was an amused look; you would not think he thought of what I was doing, wrong. I look at him questioningly, unsure of where he stands in all this.

"So this is what interests the king." He comments and I feel myself blush again, angered by his silly games and teasing. I let out a breath of frustration and turn my back to him haughtily.

"And here I thought you would like to hear that the king is interested in you."

I stop in my tracks; wanting nothing more but to shut the ellon behind me. However, he was of course the closest thing I had to a friend in this forest so I turn to face him again, my face forcefully void of all emotions.

"I do not care about the king or what interests him. I only care about the fact that I will beat him during our spar and I will put that arrogant ego of his where it belongs." I surprise us both by my response causing me to avert my eyes; I had just insulted the king in front of one of his loyal guards. However, what surprised me even more was the sound of laughter echoing through the trees. I look up to find Falasdir laughing with such happiness that I could not help but feel lighter. When he finally stops, his dark eyes found mine. They were filled with amusement and a hint of curiosity.

"Well then, would you allow me to escort you as you train, my lady?" He asks and I am hit with a thought, pulling my sword out of its sheath. I take off my bow and arrows and place them beside a tree as I positioned myself in front of him. He looked at me as if I had just crawled out of a troll's cave, his hands clasped behind his back.

"You can do more than that, Falasdir." I say, emphasizing his name to inform him that he may call me by my name and not my lady. The amused smile is on his face again as he takes a few steps away from me.

"But I do not fight with elleth's, Mantheniel." He replies, saying my name rather mockingly. I smile at him raising an eyebrow in challenge, holding my sword in front of him.

"It is not my problem if you fail to defend yourself." I warn before I thrust forward making him dodge my attack in one swift graceful move, my sword only finding the ends of his hair. I hear the sound of another blade, being pulled out of its sheath and I knew I had convinced him to fight. With that, I turn to face my newfound enemy and trainer as sounds of metal clashing fill the silent forest of Mirkwood.


We get back to the palace when the sun had set, casting fiery colors of orange, yellow and red over the forest. I had to stop and admire the view, watching the sun sink into the horizon. We walk slowly, not wanting to be caught and enter the palace as innocent looking as possible.

When we get inside as Tauriel, a suspicious look on her face, greets us. I bow to her in greeting as Falasdir excuses himself giving me a knowing smile before walking the opposite direction.

"What was that about?" She asks when we were alone, her eyes looking over to where Falasdir had been.

"What do you mean?" I reply, sounding as innocent as possible. If the king found out we left the palace he would be furious. Although I would like to see that, somehow I liked infuriating him.

"Nothing. Just be careful." She warns making me think she knew where Falasdir and I had been but decided to ignore it.

"The king has requested your presence at dinner. In the dining hall."

I could not hide the surprise on my face and from the look on Tauriel's face, she had expected my reaction, nodding and smiling lightly at me. I might have been blushing again.

"Lord Elrond is here, to visit you." She continues and I felt the rush of joy inside me. Lord Elrond is here! Finally, a piece of home. I practically run away from Tauriel, completely forgetting to thank her. I turn at the last minute calling out to her in thanks. Before proceeding to my chambers to take a bath before meeting Elrond when Tauriel's voice reaches me.

"Ah! The king has requested you wear a dress! For formalities sake! The dress is laid on your bed for you!"

I stop in my tracks trying to understand what Tauriel had just said. Lord Elrond would not mind it if I wore man's clothing to meet him. But the king... I grunt in frustration, stomping the rest of the way back to my chambers. He had done this on purpose. He knew how I did not like wearing dresses. This was obviously a punishment. I let out a scorn, growing irritated by the minute. I will not let him win, I tell myself as I burst through my doors finding an elegant dress of silk laid out on my bed just as Tauriel had said. It was in the color of blood red, with traces of gold embellished on it. It was undeniably beautiful, something I had never been given before. How much this dress cost would be the death of me, I figured. Touching the fabric lightly, I am filled with confusion as to why the king would do such a thing. Then it came to me, this was all for show! For Lord Elrond! Of course. I smile slyly as I make my way over to draw my bath, if he wants to play this game then we shall play this game.

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