Chapter 43: Ambush

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Mantheniels POV

The forest was quiet. A peaceful calm had surrounded us and for a moment, the sun had shone through the thick clouds. Almost as if it was enlightening our path. I ride quietly, aware of who was riding beside me. I could not even look him in the eye even when he tries to talk to me. Well, it is just courtship. I could still not believe what had happened. I would have not even thought of it in a million years and yet I did not need a million years of my eternity to think about it. My eyes fall on the back of the prince, who had chosen to ride before us. The company was quiet, probably relishing the peacefulness that was amazingly upon us.


I snap out of my thoughts and gaze upon blue eyes that were once so distant and cold. Now they were warm and filled with an emotion I had not thought possible to fill those blue orbs. I give him a smile, a smile I knew that showed too much and too little. I had no idea of these things and made a vow to myself that I would ask Turwaithiel and Lindethiel about it later.

"Yes, My Lord?" I answer and he gives me a smile that made me feel like the world had disappeared beneath me. Even my heart could not get used to it. I believe I would never get used to it.

"I think you have earned the right to actually call me by my name." He says and I give him a teasing smile, not knowing where my confidence came from.

"Last I remember, my lord, something happened when I called you by your name. Without your title." I tease and he looks away from me, a smile still plastered on his lips.

"Ah. Do not remind me of my lack of control. But I do not regret any of it. If I had held back then, I cannot even imagine what I would be capable of doing to you now. Why must you tease?"

I felt the blush creep up my cheeks. Unable to formulate a response right away. I try to laugh and it comes out as nervous as I was.

"It was your fault. You and your stubbornness had made me want to insult you." I counter and he raises a brow at me.

"And you meant to insult me by my own name?"

I look at him, aghast and utterly embarrassed.

"No! It is not that." I mumble, trying to explain myself.

"I just thought to insult you by not using your title." I mutter the last parts under my breath, unable to hide the shame in my voice as his horse comes closer to mine. I look up to meet his eyes but they were fixed on the road ahead of us, I could already see the borders of the forest. The green leaves and the darkness of the overgrown trees.

"You should insult me more often, then."

I was actually surprised at the lightness of his voice. The playful aura that surrounded him was something that I had not expected, if it really was part of his nature then he did a fairly good job at hiding it.

"When we get to my Kingdom." He starts, after a few moments pause.

"I would like you to stay."

His voice echoes through my mind, again and again. I still could not believe it.

"Stay? Like, stay stay?"

He gives out a soft chuckle before I am captured by his gaze.

"Yes, Mantheniel. I would like you to stay stay."

My heart had never felt this close to exploding before as I watch the man before me who had completely changed I was beginning to think he was some kind of impostor or he was playing a cruel trick on me. I open my mouth to answer when my words get caught mid air as I heard a distant sound of shuffling, armor and murmurs.

Dragon Fire (Thranduil Fan-fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now