t i y a h n a - o n e

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before i start, i just want to say that this book is a FICTION BOOK

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before i start, i just want to say that this book is a FICTION BOOK. i made up all this shit in my mind one day. it's not a perfect book. nothing is perfect. just sit back, relax and enjoy the fucking ride ight? the people that are here are just for face claims. they really have nothing to do with this story. i don't know these people, they don't know me. again, this is a FICTION BOOK. ight enjoy the story. all rights reserved to me or whatever they be saying, enjoy. bye.

The beginning of Snoh Aalegra's 'I Want You Around' sounded again causing me to groan a little. It had seemed like I had just closed my eyes and went to sleep.

"Gone ahead and get up. We got a few stores to run to this morning." Grandma Jean said from the doorway.

Not today Jean.. I thought.

"What stores we have to go to?" I asked yawning and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Girl, I done told you 'bout thirty times already. Walmart for some groceries and stuff to clean up with." she said and looked around my room. "You definitely need to dust in here. Hurry up and get up na."

And with that, she walked away and I sighed laying back for a minute to gather myself before getting up.

It never failed for me to wake up in the morning. I couldn't sleep in if I wanted to. Grandma was going to make sure I got my ass up.

I walked down the hallway to the bathroom. Along the hallway walls hung pictures of Tina and my uncle Jason. I avoided looking at the ones of Tina.

Tina was my mom. She wasn't the best one, hints to why I'm living with Grandma. Shit, Grandma was the only mother I really knew and had.

Tina was on hard drugs and would often do anything to get what she needed. Even if it was sold everything we had.

This went on for a few years since we lived in a different state than Grandma. But, when she came to visit, she seen everything that was going on and took me away from Tina.

I never understood why Tina was like that . I mean, Grandma and Grandpa held great jobs and made sure her and Jason had everything they needed.

But, Tina wanted to do what Tina wanted to do. She didn't care to follow the rules and often got in trouble for it.

After she had me, The Grands stopped caring about what she did. She had literally became an adult to them after she had me. That's how she was able to move away with me.

Tina didn't care though. I was 'blocking her blessings', whatever the fuck that means. She died a few years ago. I didn't go to the funeral though.

I had a modeling gig that day and I didn't need her blocking my blessings. Tuh.

I made it to the bathroom and turned the shower on taking my old towels throwing them into the hamper before grabbing some new ones from the closet.

I checked the temperature of the water and it was still cold. I shook my head. This water took for-fucking-ever to warm up.

"T! Hurry up! I don't wanna miss my programs!" Grandma called from where ever she was.

"The water still cold!" I called back while taking off my clothes.

"Get yo ass in that shower! A lil cold water ain't never hurt nobody." she said and I rolled my eyes.

She knew damn well she wouldn't get in this shower if it was still cold like this. This water be running long as hell before she get in it.

Finally, I got into the shower letting the semi hot water run down my body before grabbing my Dove soap and washing my body.


The trip to Walmart was nothing too special. I loaded up on all the stuff I needed while Grandma got everything else we needed.

"Are you cooking tonight?" I asked sitting on the couch with Grandma as she watched Golden Girls.

"No. I cooked the last time. It's your turn." she said never taking her eyes off the tv.

"What do you want?" I asked.

She thought about it for a minute. "You feel like making some stuffed chicken?" she asked.

"No. But, for you, I'll do it." I said getting up.

"You go girl." she said patting my butt as I walked past her.

I laughed. "Don't touch my goodies."

"Girl you got those from me. God knows you didn't get em from ya momma. She ain't have nothing." she said laughing.

She was right. Tina didn't have much of anything. So, it's true what they say, some genes skip generations.

"Yo, yo!" Uncle Jason said coming into the house.

"Is that my fave?!" I asked running to him hugging him.

One thing about it, is I lovedddd my uncle. He was literally like a brother and a dad at the same time.

"Wassup baby girl?" he said hugging me back kissing my forehead.

"Nothing much. About to make some food for me and Grandma." I said letting him go.

"Don't even worry about it." he said going over to Grandma, hugging and kissing her. "I came to get y'all so we can go out and eat. Y'all in the mood for tacos?" he asked.

"I'm always in the mood for tacos." I said doing a lil dancey dance.

"Oh, I know." he laughed.

"Boy. We just bought all that food. Don't spend your money on something we can make here." Grandma said.

"But, Ma, I already made the reservations. It was a surprise from me to y'all. So, come on." he said gently pulling her off the couch.

"You always doing something. You need to sit yo ass down sometimes." she fussed at him and all he did was laugh.

"Yeah yeah. You know you about to enjoy these tacos."

"I'm surprised you didn't work today." I said putting on my shoes.

"I'm off today. Ain't it crazy?" he asked with a laugh and I nodded.

He was a nurse and he mostly worked nights so we only seen him in the morning. So seeing him at night was really rare.

Once Grandma was ready, I let them walk out and then I locked the door and made my way to Jason's BMW. He held the door open for me and once I got in, he closed it.

That was something he always did. Grandpa taught him to never let a woman touch a door.

I loved it. That was something I should have been looking for in a man.

We made our way to the restaurant and we ate and enjoyed the time together like we always did.
-new story , new year😂
- how y'all liking the homegirl t so far?
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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