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'Girls Need Love' played on my phone while I flat ironed my hair

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'Girls Need Love' played on my phone while I flat ironed my hair. I was done doing everything that I had planned out today and now I was just bored.

Camden wanted to go outside and be out there with his bald headed ass friends and leave me in here bored with my bald headed ass friends. I loved them though.

Feeling something push me, I looked down and seen Alex making his way into my bathroom. I could have sworn that I put him in his play pin. I was also watching him while Malika was going through her mental health day.

"What are you doing kid?" I asked looking down at him as he made his way to the toilet. He had a sucker in one hand and a toy car in the other. I did not need him putting none of them into the toilet.

That made me wonder though, what if he had been in here the whole time and was sticking his sucker in the toilet and I didn't know. I really didn't pay attention to shit and it was sad. You would think that it would have gotten better now that it's a baby in the house and all. But nope. It was still the fucking same.

He looked back at me then looked at the toilet and then back out me holding up his toy.

"Don't put that in the toilet-" I was cut off by a splash of toilet water because he had threw the fucking toy into toilet. Hard at that.

"Alex no!" I said reaching to get the car out the toilet. Before I could even get it out, he was on the other side of the toilet flushing it. I couldn't believe this shit.

I took my hand out the toilet and looked at him while he just made his way out the bathroom.

"Bye Bye." he waved before running out the room and I had to follow behind him because who else knew that else he had did.

Apparently I would because someone had left a sharpie on the table and he got a hold to it. He had drawn all over the carpet and island and hadn't gotten any ink on himself. I couldn't believe this shit. I didn't even know how that was possible.

I had felt like someone was playing a prank on me because there was literally no way.

"Bro what the fuck?" Cam asked coming into the house looking at what the hell I was seeing. He just looked at my face and started laughing but I didn't find anything funny because I don't know how he found the time to do any of this.

"Bruh I told you that you gotta start paying attention to what's going on around you." Cam laughed while shaking his head and picking up Alex.

"He was literally in his play pin. I'm so flabbergasted. He really pulled this right under my nose." I shook my head.

"And we have one on the way. You gon' have to learn soon."

I was listening but at the same time I wasn't. I was trying to Google the best way to get sharpie off of all this shit. I really couldn't believe it still.


"Okayyyy, I know that y'all have been going through some stuff and I think that we all need a break from real life for a minute. We are adults and adulting is hard. I just want us to relax and not have to worry about anything. Soooo." I said taking their blind folds off.

I had turned the whole downstairs into like this big ass arcade. Camden had already had a few game machines down there, I just added a few more games.

I knew that seeing Jonathan had triggered T again and I also knew that some bitches were playing on Lika's phone. I just wanted that to be on the last things on their minds.

"You really did all this?" T asked looking around and I nodded.

"Y'all know y'all are my girls and I just want to see y'all happy for a little bit. Soooo, I took your phones and Camden has Alex and they are doing whatever it is that they are doing." I said grabbing some cups out the cup holder.

They were filled with quarters. I both have them each a cup.

"When you win the games, you get tickets. With the tickets you can win some more shit. You know?" I asked and they nodded.

"This is about to be so fun." Lika smiled messing with her quarters.

"It's really giving me flashbacks to when I used to go out with my uncle to do shit like this." T said looking over at the basketball game.

"At the end. We get to see who has the most tickets. I even ordered us some pizza. Let's just have some fücking fun." I said and they nodded agreeing before heading off to what they were going to do.


So far, everything was going good. I don't even remember when I had this much fun. I mean yeah, I did fun stuff but this really made me feel like a teenager again.

These were moments that I was going to cherish. Especially because I was going to be someone's parent in a few months.

I didn't feel anything but happiness in this moment. It was like everything in the world had stopped and I was just there living in the moment.

"This pizza is giving Chuck E. Cheese." Lika said and I nodded.

"It definitely is. It's giving a real homely feeling and I love that." T agreed.

"Yeah. Everything about this just feels so innocent and secure." I said and they nodded agreeing.

"Thank you so much for this. Real shit." Lika said giving me a hug and kissing my cheek purposely putting her pizza grease on my cheek.

"So silllyyy." I said and T did the same thing.

"Now it's time to see who won the most tickets." I said sticking my tongue out.

- i want an easy life like g's when i grow up. they little arcade thing is so cute😫
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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