t i y a h n a - e l e v e n

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Chase sat on his game paying me no mind and I didn't like that

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Chase sat on his game paying me no mind and I didn't like that. I was bored and he was having fun which wasn't fair.

"Huhhh." I sighed yeeting myself onto the bed and he still didn't notice.

"Huhhh." I sighed again yeeting myself one again but this time I landed on the floor with a boom.

He pressed the button on his mic and turned around looking at me on the floor with a confused look on his face. "Yo is you good? How the fuck did you fall." he asked and I could tell that he was trying his best not to laugh while helping me up.

"I was bored and you wasn't paying attention so I had to get it some way." I said and he just busted out laughing and I couldn't help but to join him.

"I really couldn't hear you. Why you ain't tap my shoulder or something?" he asked sitting me on the bed.

"Becauseeee, I don't know. Why you got to be on the game and I'm over here? I'm boring or something? Ion like dettt." I shook my head and he laughed.

"You was dead ass just sleeping. I was bored so I decided to get on the game. Next thing I know is there is this big ass boom and you on the fucking floor bruh." he laughed shaking his head. "Now they done killed me and shit."

"I'm sorry." I said pouting because I actually felt bad.

"It's all cool." he got up and turned the game off before putting it back on regular TV. "You got all my attention now. You happy?" he asked with a smirk.

Yes.. yes I am." I said hugging his waist.

"You hungry?" he asked looking down at me.

"Yeah." I nodded and he did to walking over to grab his keys while I still held on to him.


The food at Houston This Is It Soul Food was bussing. I wasn't even about to lie like it wasn't. That was my first time there and I was definitely going to be going back.

We were now at this park eating the ice cream that we had got from Dairy Queen.

"Just let me taste it." I said trying to stick my spoon into his ice cream and he moved back.

"That's what she said." he said with a smirk and I was confused for a moment before realizing what he had said causing to laugh out loud.

"You are sick in the headdd." I said laughing and he laughed even more putting his head down and I took that opportunity to take some of his ice cream.

"Fatty." he said mugging me.

"You should have just let me taste it. I'm having all this stuff and now I got to hit the gym real hard tomorrow." I said looking at the ice cream before eating some more.

"And I'm going to be right there coaching you on real hard." he said and I flipped him off picking up my phone since it was ringing.

"Conflicted." I said before answering the phone for Uncle Jason. "Hello?"

"Hello, Tiyahna? I need you not to worry right now. Are you around people?" he asked and now I was starting to get worried.

"I am. What's wrong?"

"It's my momma.. she's in the hospital again and they say it ain't looking too good. I don't know where you are but I need you to come home." he said and the phone dropped out of my hand.


I was on the first flight back home. No matter what happened with me and my Grandma, I was always going to be there for her. Her and Uncle Jason was all that I had.

I sat in the waiting room and waited until my tears decided that they wanted to stop falling. I didn't want her to see me crying.

I felt someone sit next to me and I looked over to see Uncle Jason next to me. He pulled me into a hug and I let him.

"I'm sorry T. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was in the wrong. We are supposed to be better than that. I should have trusted that you could make your own decisions and I should have known that you would have been able to handle yourself." he said before sighing. "You're my baby and I was just worried. I just feel like you're growing up too fast. I remember when you were just a little baby and I was sneaking and letting Tina in the house so that I can see you. I was scared and overreacted. You were going through a lot at that moment and it was really inconsiderate on my end. I hope you can forgive me."

"I do forgive you." I said hugging him back. "I'm glad that you apologized to me."

That was something that made me feel better. I didn't want to be on bad terms with them forever. They were all that I knew.

"I got you forever. Don't ever forget that. You're about to be a big cousin by the way." he said and I looked up at him shocked.

"No wayyy." I said and he laughed.

"Yeah way. Lucy, come here baby." he said and I looked up to see this beautiful woman walking over to us. She was pregnant and that was clear as day.

"Oh my God!" I whispered yelled. This was my first time meeting her and it was so crazy.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." she smiled and opened her arms for a hug. I got up and gave her one. She had one of those hugs that just felt so secure.

"Congratulations. You are so beautiful." I said and she smiled before covering her face.

"I look a mess right now. You are too nice." she said and took a seat right next to me. Uncle Jason might as well not have been right there. We paid him no mind while we talked.

- congratulations to uncle jason and lucy. grandma needs prayers let's pray for her.
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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