m a l i k a - e i g h t

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Feeling little slaps to my face I groaned and rolled over

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Feeling little slaps to my face I groaned and rolled over. I knew that he wasn't gonna stop until I woke up but it had felt like I just had went back to sleep.

"MA." he said slapping me in the face with his bottle. I was up now because that shit hurt.

"Dang bro. You ain't have to do me like that. That's why you stink." I said scrunching up my face playfully mushing him making him fall back down.

I yawned getting up and going to get him a new pamper. Once I was done changing his pamper, I took him to the bathroom that was in our room and I helped him brush his teeth while I brushed mine.

I was still coming to terms with the fact that I had my baby. I mean this was something that I had dreamed of and I still couldn't believe that I had him back.

The government definition of what I did was kidnapping. I wasn't saying that I kidnapped my son because he was my son.

I was currently wanted and I couldn't help but to feel bad because I had to leave my siblings without letting them know what was going on. I missed them dearly but it was best for all of us.

Making my way down the stairs, I sat him in his high chair while I made him some breakfast. I gave him a few cut up blueberries while I made him some oatmeal. If I didn't get home something while I made the oatmeal, he was going to lose his mind.

Camden had really hooked this house up for us and I was really grateful for it. Everyone had their own rooms and the house was really nice.

Everyone was trying their best to make this house a home. It wasn't going to take long though because it seemed like everyone had had a new feeling of being.

Camden came into the kitchen and picked up Alex and he was actually quiet cool with it. I guess because Camden was a boy and wasn't all up in his face all the time.

I really didn't know. My baby was kind of weird just like the people he used to stay with.

"I hope you making breakfast for everybody. This lil nigga ain't the only one that likes to eat around these parts." Camden said with a country accent while stealing one of my baby's blueberries.

"Of course I am. You know the king comes first though." I said and he laughed.

"Come on lil nigga. We about to go watch some highlights." he said taking Alex into the living room with him.

"And stop calling my baby a lil nigga you big headed fork." I said and I knew he didn't take me serious.

I was trying to watch my mouth around Alex. He's so young and he soaks up everything that is around him and I didn't need him to have a potty mouth before he could even speak regular words correctly.

"Whatever the fork you say." he said and I just shook my head. I couldn't stand him as far as I could see him.

"Good morning gorgeous." Tiyahna sang with Mary J. coming down the stairs.

"No one else an make me feel this wayyyy." Gracie sang coming down right behind her.

"My mans Alex said he don't want to hear it." Camden said holding up Alex who looked unamused with what all they had going on.

"Malika why your baby so mean?" Gracie asked shaking her head.

"Girl, I don't know. He literally picks and chooses when he wants to mess with people. It's his world and we just living in it." I said shaking my head. He was truly a mess at times.

"I don't think he's going to be like that for a long time. Maybe he just has to get used to us." T said and G and I nodded.

He was definitely still trying to figure out what was going on. He had yet to ask for Kenny but I felt like it was going to happen soon.


'Higher' by Tems played while I attempted to braids Alex's hair. He was being a busy body and wouldn't stay still.

"Alex Santana please." I said handing him another toy in hopes that it would keep his attention so that he was able to stay still.

He looked at the toy and then looked back at me before smiling. Thanking God, I attempted to finish his hair.

I couldn't even get a correct part in before he threw the toy into the corner and ran off to go get it.

Like I said, it was his world and I was living in it so I just sat back and watched him as he he played with his toys. I was really obsessed with him.

My phone dinged and I looked down to see a few notifications from the group chat.

Grace📸: I got a shoot idea and I want to do it sometime this week.

T-Boo🥰: you already know that i'm down. just let me know what you need.

What you need from me?

Gracie📸: I was thinking about this fun in the sun. Imma get the back ground just in case but we basically doing it in the backyard. It's this fabric that I seen that you had Lika and I want to use it.

Which one?

Gracie📸: The hot pink!!

T-Boo🥰: i'm loving it already 🥰💕. i'll be in there to get fitted in a minute.


I locked my phone and looked around the room the room because it was too quiet. I looked over in the corner and he was sleeping.

"This little boy." I laughed shaking my head going over to him picking him up then putting him in the bed and under the cover.

I kissed him on the forehead and just sat there and admiring him. He was truly perfect to me. Just everything about him.

bby alex santanerrrr

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bby alex santanerrrr

- b*tch malika is a motha, no drama!
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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