m a l i k a - t w o

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Some off days, I wished that I had to work

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Some off days, I wished that I had to work. It was like the bullshit never ended. Like, ever.

"Ma, what do you mean? Why are you putting me out?" I asked walking into my mother's room with the note that she had taped onto my room door in my hand.

"Read the note." she replied.

She couldn't be fucking serious. Obviously, I had read the note already. A few times, might I add.

"I did. You literally only said "Malika, you have 3 days to get your things and be gone.". You cannot be fucking serious. What did I do?!"

"You haven't paid me! You use up all my things and haven't paid me nothing! I need help too 'Lika!"

"Bullshit!" I yelled. She knew my situation and agreed to help me. Now she was pulling this stunt. Her timing couldn't have been any worse.

"You know I don't have any money right now. I cannot spare any money right now because of the court cases. Trying to pay for these lawyers My phone isn't even on right now because I don't have any money and you know that. Why are you doing this?!"

"Maybe if you got your shit together, we wouldn't be going through this, Malika! You got to figure this shit out."

She was really just repeating herself. No real explanation. I didn't get it. We were just cool last night. Literally. Now I had to get out of her house.

"This is below the belt, Ma. You were supposed to help me. That's why I'm here. You said you would help me."

"Well, baby girl, I'm all out of help. Go ask your dad. I'm all out of favors for you. You're going through this because of your actions. You're a grown ass woman. I can't help you any more."

The tears were rolling down my cheeks at this point. I couldn't help it. This was literally my last hope. My own mother was doing me like this.

I walked out her room and went downstairs to the family room where the house phone was located and I dialed my father's number.

I was scared to even press the call button. Lord knows that I didn't want any drama. I just wanted some help. Pushing all my stubbornness to the side I pressed call.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Daddy, you were right." I sniffed into the phone.


That was really all he needed to hear and he was on his way to my mothers house to help me get my things. This killed me in the inside. But, I needed this.

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