t i y a h n a - s e v e n

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The words that I was saying was obviously going in one ear and out the other when it came to talking to Jonathan and I was honestly was so sick of this shit

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The words that I was saying was obviously going in one ear and out the other when it came to talking to Jonathan and I was honestly was so sick of this shit. This was literally the last straw.

"You keep beating around the fucking bush. All I'm asking is this you in this video before I look at it?" I asked him again and he just looked at me.

Of course when messing with someone who has some type f clout or fame, all the girls are throwing themselves at that person. I have been dealing with that close to three years.

Recently, this one girl has just been blowing my DM down about how she been fucking my man. She sent me videos and everything. I avoided them but the one video that she sent me with the hand tattoo really caught my attention.

So, before I actually looked at the video, I wanted to ask him to see if he was going to tell the truth or not.

"Mane look. I told you it ain't me. You just keep letting them get under your skin and that's the problem. Look at the video. Look at it." he said pointing to the phone.

Part of me wanted to believe him because if it was really him in the video, he wouldn't have me look at it. But another part of me strongly didn't believe shit that he was saying. So I played the video.

There it was clear as day, my man giving back shots to one of these Instagram groupies. And just like that my heart was broken into a million pieces.

"Go figure." I said tossing the phone onto his chest, I was crying.

I was hurt and I couldn't hide it. I wouldn't hide it. How could he do something like that to me. I just couldn't understand this.

"T-" he started to grab me but I nudged him off. I didn't want to hear anything that he had to say.

"I just wanted you to be honest with me. You knew that is was a possibility that it was you. It's.. it's like this isn't the first one. I wonder how many girls were trying to tell me and I wasn't listening because you told me that they were just trying to get under my skin." I said.

He reached for me again and I moved once again. I couldn't even believe this was happening.

"Look man. If you want to go, you can. I can't make you stay here. Just let me explain." he said pleading with me.

"There is nothing you can explain to me. I'll just take my phone and go. I literally told you if it ever came to the point where you had to cheat, just leave me be." I said grabbing my phone from him.

I made my way out the house and back to my Uncle's house. He wasn't there so that was better for me. I could cry in peace and not have to answer his questions. I really loved Jon and honestly thought that we were better than that.

I obviously thought wrong. I went in the house and went straight in the bathroom to run me a bath. I sat on the toilet and unlocked the phone where the video still played. I just turned the phone off all together.


I stared at the pregnancy test, the pregnant test stared at me. The two lines just looking me in my two eyes.

I couldn't believe this shit. I was seriously just hoping that this was just a sick joke. I couldn't be pregnant after all that shit that I just went through. I wasn't even with Jonathan anymore.

"Girl hurry up out this bathroom. Jason out there waiting on you." Grandma said knocking on the door.

"One second." I responded flushing the toilet putting the pregnancy test in a small zip lock bag and into my pocket before washing my hands and leaving out the bathroom.

"He said he gon' leave you." she laughed and J laughed too because we both knew that not to be true.

I hurried and got into the car where he just mean mugged me before pulling off.

"We got to stop at the gas station first big head." he said and I nodded because that was cool with me. I wanted to get something to snack on anyways.

We pulled up to the gas station and he got out to pump the gas and I got out to to go get my snacks out the store. The line was mad long, I was determined though. I went and grabbed me and Uncle Jason some chips and something to drink before I got in the line.

I was in the line for about two minutes before it was my turn. I paid for the stuff and left back out to find Uncle Jason already in the car. I got in and took my drink out drinking some.

"You pregnant?" he asked catching me off guard causing me to spit out my drink some.


"You aren't listening to me!" he basically yelled in my face. "What if the test isn't lying huh?! And you really are pregnant?! The boy obviously don't care about you!"

"We don't know the pregnancy to be true!" I said getting frustrated. We had been arguing every since he found the pregnancy test in the seat.

It had fallen out of my pocket.

"I can't believe you." Grandma shook her head. "All these years, I thought that you would be better than your mother. You turned out to be just like her. I'm so disappointed in you." she looked at me with disgust laced deeply into her face. "You are just like her and that's going to fuck you up in the long run. You swear up and down that you don't want to be like her and y'all are basically the same. You fucking your life up. I can't even look at you right now." she said and I walked away angry and crying.

These moments played in my head back to back because that shit really hurt my feelings.

I sighed a sigh of relief because the doctor had told me that it was only a scare and that my period should be coming soon. I thanked her for her time and made my way back to the hotel I was staying at.

I just needed to get the fuck away from here. I felt like I was going to go crazy.

- it's giving they mad at her when they should be happy that she dodged a bullet. what y'all think?
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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