t h r e e d i s t a n t s t r a n g e r s

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t i y a h n a ' s - f i n a l e

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t i y a h n a ' s - f i n a l e

"I love y'all." Tiyahna said to Gracie and Malika while hugging them both.

"I love you more." Gracie said hugging her rubbing her back. "We'll see each other in Atlanta and we will have a new life."

"I love you too and I can vouch for that." Malika said before the hug broke up.

Camden was upstairs with Alex so they had missed out on the love but Tiyahna knew that they had loved her as well.

They shared one more hug before T left out the house. She got into the car and said a quick prayer before pulling out.

She didn't play any music, she needed the ride to be silent because she was just trying to focus.

She turned a few corners before she was finally out the neighborhood hood. She rode a good 2 minutes before the police was behind her.

"Fuck." she mumbled looking into her rear view mirror.

She knew she had to stay calm and not cause attention to herself. She continued to ride before she noticed that it was now 3 cars behind her.

Thinking that she could have just been being paranoid, she decided to take a detour. At the corner store, she busted a right.

The police did too.

At the next stop sign, she turned down this one way street.

The police did too.

Giving it one more try. She turned up the next one way street.

The police did too.

"God, I don't know what's going on but all my faith is with you. I walk and ride in your faith. Amen." she said before floating down the street quickly heading into the expressway.

The police followed closely turning on their lights and sirens. It was on because Tiyahna wasn't stopping for them.

It was officially a high speed. Tiyahna quickly switched through the lanes losing the police a few times.

She couldn't help but to float that hoe. She was determined to make it to Atlanta. It was a promise with her friends. She couldn't let them down.

The police started to catch up with her as she continued to switch lanes. She went from the left shoulder to the right shoulder getting the police stuck behind a few cars.

Tiyahna was going well over 110MPH and it was getting serious. The helicopter could be heard over her since she has lost the police for a while.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" she screamed while hitting the steering wheel. Everything was happening so fast.

Police cars came from the opposite lanes to right in front of her. Swerving quick, she had just missed them.

Though have the mistake of looking back, which she was always taught never to do, she hit the back of a 18 wheeler.

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