g r a c i e - t h i r t e e n

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I was currently teaching T how to work the camera since she wanted to help me with my maternity shoot

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I was currently teaching T how to work the camera since she wanted to help me with my maternity shoot. This was a fun experience for us to be going through.

"What if you don't like the pictures that I take? That's really gon' hurt my feelings. I want your pictures to come out cute." she said pouting a lil bit and I laughed.

"That's what editing is for boo. You are really over thinking it. It's going to come out better than you expect. You just get to have faith in yourself pooh." I said getting back into the milk bath. "I have faith in you."

She was honestly just over worrying herself. Once she got the hang of it she wasn't going to stop.

"I'm ready when you are." I reminded her while arranging the flowers around in the water a lil bit more.

"Okay. I'm ready." she said and started snapping pictures.


Chicago was still taking some getting used to. It was mad cold out here and I really wasn't a big fan of that. The cold was to for me. I was craving some Harold's though. I wanted to just have some of their fries with mild sauce badly.

"Boop, I love youuuu." I said sitting on his butt while he laid on the bed.

"Whatever you about to ask me, it's no." he said scrolling on his phone.

"See why you got to be mean to me? I just don't understand it. It's giving you really don't love me and I hate that for you because that's not good." I said getting up going to the closet to fin something to put on.

"What do you want Gracie?" he asked but I ignored him while I found me a sweater to put on. I put it on and went to the bathroom to fix my hair.

"You don't hear me talking to you?" he asked coming in the bathroom standing behind me and looking at me through the mirror. "I was just playing. You know you can get whatever you want from me."

I still ignored him leaving out the bathroom. See, he was always playing. He took everything as a joke and me being hungry right now was not joking matter. He needed to learn when to play and when to be cool.

"Bro where are you going." he asked following me down the stairs and putting his hand over the keys before I could grab them.

"Move." I said and he shook his head.

"Where are you trying to go Gracie Jean?" he asked again and I just sat their with my arms crossed. It was no point in trying to fight it because he wasn't even going to let me leave out the house. "Communicate please." he said making me look up at him.

"I just wanted some Harold's and you was playing around and I didn't have time for you playing so I got mad and I was about to go by myself but you got to the keys before me and now I know for a fact that you aren't going to let me go." I said and with these emotions, I was trying my best not to cry.

"Look mamas, I'm sorry that I was joking around. Now I know that you don't have time for my games, I won't do it no more." he said kissing my cheek and leading me to the couch. "Now tell me what you want from Harold's and I'll go get it for you." he said and I smiled.

I liked that we were able to communicate with each other.


The day Malika was spotted.

Everything was happening so fast. This time we weren't moving all together. We were going once at a time.

Malika getting spotted has us on edge about any little thing and that wasn't good.

"Y'all ready?" Camden asked and we all nodded. We had no other choice but to be.

- it's getting spicyyyy. short filler. final chapter is the next one.
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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