t i y a h n a - t h i r t e e n

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I walked into Carter's with Uncle Jason and Lucy following behind me

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I walked into Carter's with Uncle Jason and Lucy following behind me. I was so thirsty to spend some cash on my cousin. I was really in love with babies. This was also going to be like a gander reveal for them.

When they had went and got the ultrasound to see what they were having, they decided that they didn't want to know just yet and decided to give it to Grandma who then told me and now it was my job to come and help them pick out clothes for the baby.

"I'm nervous." Lucy said smiling and holding my uncle's hand. Lucy was literally the cutest.

"Me too. And knowing T, she gon' trick us and play games with our mind." he said and she laughed.

I laughed too because that was exactly what I was going to do. I went over to the boy section with my basket in hand and picked up this cute onesie.

"Awnnn." Lucy said holding her heart while I threw it in the basket.

"So we're having a boy?" Uncle Jason asked raising his eyebrow.

I ignored his question picking up some more clothes. "Y'all can pick out some more stuff that y'all like. I'm going to sit right here." I said sitting on the bench waiting for them to finish.

"I don't trust this one bit." Uncle Jason said side eyeing me and looking through the clothes some more.

I sat on the bench just watching them go through the clothes and pick up a few items that they wanted. They placed them into my basket and then I made my way to the girl's side of the store.

"Really T?" Lucy asked me laughing.

"Cus I know damn well we ain't having twins. Why you gotta play so much scrub?" Uncle Jason asked mushing my head.

"Move and pick the clothes up. Dang." I said swatting at this hands before going to pick up some more cute clothes for the baby.

I could tell that they was confused and I honestly loved that or them. That meant that I was doing a good job. While they were looking I went up to the cashier.

"Alright, they don't know what their having but I do. I need you to put the pink and the blue in separate bags and then switch them up before handing them the .." I said before whispering the color into her ear.

She smiled and nodded. "I got that for you."

"Thank you." I smiled and headed back to my seat.

Once they were finished, they placed all of them into the basket and I carried them up to the register.

"Here we go." the cashier said before ringing up all the clothes. And like I asked, she placed the different colors into different bags.

I stood back and I watched Lucy and Uncle Jason look real closely at the bags to see which one that she was going to give them. They wasn't getting it that easy though. I made sure that she was going to hand them both of the bags.

She finished ringing them up and I paid before handing them both a bag.

"Soooo they didn't tell you a gender?" she asked going through the bad with the boys clothes in it while Uncle Jason just looked at his pink bag.

"I'm so confused." he shook his head.

"Okay sooo, I'm going to take one bag and the bag that you have left is what the baby is going to be okayyyy?" I asked recording and they nodded. I reached over and took the bag from Uncle Jason leaving them with the bag with the boy stuff.

"We're having a boy?" Lucy asked with her eyes getting big.

"Don't be playing with me right now." Uncle Jason said and I laughed.

"Y'all are really having a boy. The girl clothes are for Gracie sillies." I said laughing and Uncle Jason started screaming and running around the store.

"You are so sneakyyy!" Lucy said hugging me and I hugged her back.

She wasn't really concerned on a gender, she was just happy to be having a baby.


I was finally back with my friends and boy was in for some shit. Chicago was cold!

The house we were staying in was close to the water and that made it even more cold. I couldn't believe that places could actually get this cold.

"I miss you." Chase said looking at the phone licking his lips.

"I miss you more. Once all this stuff blows over the first flight I'm making is back to Houston to see you. It needs to hurry up so you won't go out and get you a new bestie." I laughed.

"Where Imma get a new bestie from? These nice young women don't deserve to have me as a best friend." he said and I laughed.

When he said these nice young women I knew that he really meant these hoes.

"And you better know it." I said like I was Steve Harvey causing him to laugh.

I set the phone up while I pulled my box braids into a ponytail and went into the closet to find my bonnet.

"I like that tattoo under your butt." he said and I laughed coming out the closet fixing my shorts.

"Stop looking at my butt. That's creepy."

"Shiiiidddddd." he said and I mugged him. "That shit was looking at me first. We had a staring contest. It clapped when you jumped and I won."

"Bye Chase." I said putting the phone down. He was crazy.

"I'm just tryna see what that be like. That's all miss lady."

I laughed him off and finished getting ready for bed.

- ion knowwww flying back after getting questioned seems risky chile.
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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