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I watched as Alex slept while I cleaned up his puke again

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I watched as Alex slept while I cleaned up his puke again. I didn't know what was going on and it was honestly taking a toll on me too. He was crying and I was crying right along with him. I had never seen him like this and I was honestly fucked up about it.

I finished getting up the puke and sprayed some OdorBan on the floor before I mopped that up as well. I sighed and got on my phone and tried to find something to watch. I was scared to go to sleep because every time that I went back to sleep, Alex was up and screaming again.

T-Boo🥰: knock knock, I would actually knock but I don't want to wake him if he's sleeping.

Of course he's sleeping. He's not screaming at the top of his lungs.

T-Boo🥰: yeah I know😕 I just wanted to check on you and made sure that you ate something today.

To think of it, I actually didn't. I don't have an appetite. I'm just really fucking tired T and I just want my baby to be.

T-Boo🥰: I need you to eat something. I'm going to leave you an apple by the door and then I'm going to pray for you and my little boo Bae.

I really appreciate it. ❤️

I turned on Power: Book II and turned it to a low volume while laying on the floor. I really didn't want to disturb him because it seemed like any little movement or nose was going to distract his sleeping and Lord knows we did no need that.

T-Boo🥰: knock knock.

I read the message and got up slowly opening up the door looking back at Alex on the bed as he shifted a little bit. I looked down at the bowl that had a little note on it. I picked it up and moved the note to see that she had cut up the apples for me.

I could cry. It was literally the little things for me and this small gesture had basically sent me over the edge. I looked at the note and this is what really sent the tears.

We love you mamas. You are doing a great job and even though you decline our help, we are always here for you. No matter what. -G, T, Cam and Baby Que.

I smiled some more wiping my face before laying back down and continuing my show while eating my apples.

It wasn't necessarily that I was declining their help, it was really me basically just living out of my room. I really only left when I was going to the kitchen and trying to feed him something.

The only thing that he was actually eating was the blueberries and he kept throwing those back up. I knew it wasn't the blueberries because it was the same one that I had been feeding her. I just couldn't get what was causing him to be so sick and honestly, it was driving me insane.

I smashed them apples and finished watching show before going to take a shower. I turned the water on and then went back to check on Alex who was still sleeping peacefully.

I carefully got into the shower and made sure that I didn't knock anything over. I made sure that I made it quick. I haven't had a shower in a few days and I desperately needed it. One I was done, I got dressed in a gown and laid back on the floor and scrolling on my phone.


My head was pounding as I put my clothes on. Alex wasn't getting any better and I was getting worried. Of course I couldn't take him to the fucking doctor so I was stuck playing nurse.

I had tried to call Camden but he wasn't answering the phone and had to be busy. I was sweating it. I just decided to go get the medicine myself.

I threw on a oversized hoodie, some sun glasses and grabbed a mask. I left out the room and went to T's room and knocked on the door and she told me to come in.

"I'm about to run to Walmart real quick. Can you please listen out for Alex?" I asked and she nodded.

"You sure you don't want me to go?" she asked and I knew I was sure.

"They already looking into you. I don't need them to see you buying children's medicine. I got it. I'm covered. By the mask and by the grace of God." I said doing prayer hands.

"Amen to that. Call me if you need anything."

"Alright. I love you."

"I love you too." she said and I closed her door.


I found the medicine quickly in Walmart and I was thankful for that. What I wasn't thankful for was them long ass lines. Everybody was doing self check out there was no real cashiers.

I sniffled and moved my mask down so that I could breathe clearly. I hated this shit with a passion. I felt someone looking at me and I pulled my mask back up and I seen some lady looking at me.

"I know you." she said pointing at me and I shook my head.

"You have the wrong person. I'm sorry." I said clearing my throat and moving up in the line.

"No I don't. You're that girl from the news who had took that baby." she said and I was next in line so I hurried and rung my shit up and left.

I couldn't believe that I was so foolish enough to get caught in fucking Walmart. I was now paranoid and looking everywhere trying to make sure that I wasn't being followed.

I just felt stupid. I felt like I had just put everyone else in danger and now we had to be moving once again because of me.

- chile i can't take this . this is crazyyyy
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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