m a l i k a - f o u r

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Summer Walker's 'Reciprocate' played while I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face

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Summer Walker's 'Reciprocate' played while I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face. I was doing it in the main house while my dad was having the hangout turned into a guest house for me basically.

I was very thankful for the opportunities that my father was giving me. He had gotten me a new phone and I was on his bill. He was allowing me to stay with him rent free. I was still kind of worried that he would cut me off at anytime, so I did my best to save money.

A knock came to the door and I opened it to see my dad all dressed up. Him and Maryanne were going out on a date.

"How do I look?" he asked giving me a big smile and a quick spin.

"You look amazing Dad. Come in." I smiled and motioned him to come into the bathroom and he did. I stood on my tippy toes a bit and fixed his bow tie for him.

"Thank you." he smiled warmly.

"You're welcome." I smiled back. "How long are y'all going to be out? You know you can't stay out too long. You ain't grown." I joked.

"Wow okay mom." he laughed. "We are actually coming back tomorrow. I got us a hotel. So it's just me and Maryanne. And then it's you, Justin, Malik and Mary Jane." he said and I nodded.

This was going to be the first that that we were ever in the house by ourselves. Normally when they worked, they did it from home, they rarely went into their actual places of work.

The house was never empty. If Justin and Malik had went to school, Mary Jane was at home with the sitter. Of course we spoke to each other, that was really it. I was either at work or just chilling in the hang out.

I cut the bathroom light off and proceeded to follow my dad down the stairs and into the dining room where Maryanne stood looking very pretty.

"Wow." I said looking at her. "You look stunning."

"Oh honey. You're going to make me blush." she said covering her face.

"I'm just being honest." I shrugged a bit.

"Well, that honestly means a lot coming from a stunning queen such as yourself." she said and I got what she said when she said she was blushing.

Malik came in holding flowers and handed them to Dad who soon handed them Maryanne. She started turning red from her blushing.

That right there was so cute. That was something that he used to do for my mom. I just couldn't seem to find out where everything had went wrong. The math wasn't mathing for me and maybe that was the way that it was supposed to be.

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