t i y a h n a - s i x

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"Life may be hard but God works harder and it will always be in our defense

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"Life may be hard but God works harder and it will always be in our defense. So when it comes to hard things dear God, I will always leave them in your hands. Amen." Grandma prayed.

"Amen." Uncle Jason and I said. What my Grandma said was true. We prayed everyday while she was here and she was honestly better than ever.

"You really be scaring me lady." Uncle Jason said rubbing her shoulders.

"You don't have to be scared for me. One thing about it is that I'm protected because I love God and I know for a fact that God loves me and that's the way it will always be." she smiled.

I nodded understanding where she was coming from.

"And you over there." she said pointing to me. "You've been real quiet. What's on your mind?"

"Nothing." I shook my head. "I'm just trying to make sure that you are okay. That's it."

"Y'all worry too much and it's starting to worry me. Y'all don't have to worry about me. Y'all crazy." she said waving us off. "Go find a life. I'm out of here tomorrow meaning y'all can leave today. Give me some space." she said laughing a lil bit.

"Oh so now we smothering you?" Uncle Jason asked laughing.

"You know y'all are. All in my face all day. Leave me alone." she laughed again. "No seriously though. I'm out of here tomorrow so go hang out with your friends or something."

"You got it champ." I said giving her a kiss on the check and Uncle Jason soon followed.

Once that was over, we both left out the room and went out the hospital into the parking garage.

"What you about to do?" I asked unlocking my car about to open the door.

He smacked my hand and mugged me before opening the door for me to get and I laughed.

"You always tryna play these games. That lil boyfriend of yours must don't open the doors for you." he said and I rolled my eyes getting in the car.

"He doooo... sometimes. Not the point tho. I asked you what you were about to do."

"I'm about to go hang with Lacy for a minute." he said and I instantly started smirking and he knew I was about to clown him so he smacked his lips.

"Oooooo Uncle Jason got a girlfriendddddd." I said pinching his cheeks.

"Stop it." he laughs smacking my hands again. "You mad aggy."

"I want to meet this Lacy character. I need to know that she is good enough for my Uncle. You know?"

He blankly stared at me before walking away. I laughed because he was so dramatic at times. I was too though.

"Don't you walk away from me Jason! I just want to meet her." I said while he got into his car that was literally right next to mine.

"I'm done talking Tommy." he said rolling his window down.

"Oh, you done talking?" I asked.

"Yep. Check please." he said before rolling his window up and pulling off. I literally cannot with that man.

I pulled off too making my way back to the house.


Once I got in the house, I decided that I wanted to tidy up a little bit so that Grandma could come home to a clean home. My phone buzzed letting me know that I had a text message.

I had got a text from G and she came to pick me up from the house. We were about to do another shoot this time she had me come to this store to pick up the clothes with her.

We got out the car and buzzed the door and waited for someone to buzz us in.

"I'm telling you, she made you this cute ass outfit and I couldn't wait to show you. I'm so glad you and your granny is feeling better though. Real shit." G said.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it." I said nodding and the door buzzed. I pulled it open and headed in with G behind me.

"Welcome to Cozy Fashion. I'm Aaliyah. Did you need any help?" she asked with a war and welcoming smile.

"Yes actually. I'm looking for Malika. She has something for me." Gracie said and Aaliyah nodded.

"I'll go get her for you." she said walking away to the back while I looked around at the clothes.

"They stuff so cute. I'm trying to reframe from getting some more stuff right now." G said looking through the clothes.

"Why?" I asked with a laugh. "You can never have too many clothes."

"You might be right about that. I don't have enough space though." she said and I nodded agreeing.

"You guys can follow me." Aaliyah said coming back and then leading the way back to the back rooms where there was an office.

"You guys can have a seat if you would like. I just need a minute." the girl said wiping her face a little bit but that didn't stop the tears from falling.

"Are you okay Malika boo?" Gracie asked just as concerned as I was.

"I can't even lie and say yeah." she said before breaking down and Gracie walked over to give her a hug. Being the type of person that I was, I went over and gave her a hug as well.


"Wait what?!" Gracie asked in shock. "He'll no. We need to get your baby out of there ASAP!"

"I've been trying. Court dates after court dates and they haven't did shit man. I'm so sick of this. I just want to get my baby back." Malika shook her head.

I felt so bad for her. I could tell that she was really hurt behind this and all I could so was pray for her. I wanted to help her get her son back as well.

"Sometimes you have to take actions into your own hands." Gracie said sitting up looking at her.

"I know." she nodded. "And I've been thinking of a way to make that happen." she leaned up before telling us what she had been planning.

- awnnn all three of them met. this warms my heart 🙂
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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