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"911. What's your emergency?" the operator answered.

"Hello. My name is Gracie Williams. I'm at 1038 SunnVale Apartment 208. Somebody broke into my apartment." I said and I covered my mouth just looking at how they messed my apartment up. I couldn't believe this

I had been living here close to 3 years and I haven't even heard of people apartments being broken into. This kind of hurt my feelings a lil bit. This must have been some new people.

"Is anyone with you at the location?" the operator asked.

"Yes. I'm standing here with my neighbor."

"Alright. We're sending a squad car out there right now. Do you have any idea who might have done this to you Ms Williams?" she asked.

"No." I said shaking my head as if she could see me. "I don't know."

"I'm sorry this happened to you, Ms Williams. I'll stay on the line with you until the police arrive."

"Thank you." I say.

I was grateful that she was nice. Most of the operators be assholes in situations. I wish I could rate her. She'd be the highest in the ratings.

"I'll check my Ring." my neighbor Chris said.

Silly freaking me. I forgot to put my battery back into my Ring after charging it. Some reason why this was my fault. I had to be more careful. You never know when people are watching.

"Did they take anything?" My mom asked rushing off of the elevator. I had called her right when the building notified me.

One thing about it, she isn't going to play about me. When I tell her I need her, it doesn't matter where she's at or what she's doing, she going to stop and come find me to help me.

"I don't know. I didn't go in for real. But, from here, you can see they flipped a lot of my stuff over." I said looking in there again.

They had flipped the couch over. If they wanted some loose change, they could have just said that. Because, that's all they were going to find in the couch. Maybe they found the remote there too.

"You already know what this means Gracie, you can't say here no more. They do it once, they'll do it again. These people are crazy." my momma shook her head.

"Yes I know." I sighed. I'm really sad. I really fucked with this apartment.


Nothing came up from Chris' doorbell. Meaning they came from the other way and left out the other way. He only had some motions.

Stressed out wasn't even the word. They had taken some of my jewelry, the living room t.v and weirdly, some of my underwear. I knew it had to be some lil boys. Because, who else would do something like that?

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