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"Yeahhh Coi

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"Yeahhh Coi. You fucking the girls up with this one." I said while taking pictures of her. She was currently doing a photo shoot for her upcoming album. We were just shooting pictures and doing something for the album cover.

She was genuinely a nice person and her vibes were amazing. I didn't understand why so many people insisted to hate on her. But then again, everybody knw that bitches is weird.

"Alright Gracie Grace can we wrap this up kinda early? I literally have an interview in 30 minutes and it's across town." Coi said laughing a lil bit.

"Yeah girl that's fine." I said laughing some as well. "I'll just hit you up when I get done editing them and stuff." I said and she nodded before running off to the back.

Broke my camera stuff down before putting it in my bag and making my way out the studio. This was really the only thing that I had today so I was just going to chill with my mother for little while.


When I got there, she was cooking and I loved that for her. My mom was literally a jack of all trades. Anything that I needed, she could literally do. From hair to make up to cooking or just literally making shit by hand, she could do it.

She had really showed me that no matter what they say, sometimes you don't need a man for nothing. Probably just needed them for the dick. Maybe not even that.

I quickly washed my hands before going into the kitchen to find something to stick my hands into before she could catch me.

"I'm making dressing right now and it ain't done so come up out my kitchen." she said and I laughed before doing as she said and joining her on the couch.

"What you in here watching?" I asked looking at the TV.

"P Valley." she said and I nodded. It was a good show and I couldn't complain about it.

"When the time comes, I'm really going to miss you." I said laying my head on her shoulder while she rubbed my shoulder.

I had never been away from her for long periods of time so this was something that I wasn't used to.

"I'm going to miss you too. You're gonna be okay though. I have prepped you to be on your own for when you were ready to go or it was me who was leaving. Plus, we are nothing but a flight away from each other." she smiled kissing my cheek.

"If you say so. what if I get homesick and start crying or something like that?" I asked because I would probably pull something like that.

"Well then, I'll FaceTime you. You know where ever you go I'm just a call away. And really, when you get to where you going, you not even gon' feel like that, I'm going to be the one that's blowing down your phone because you hadn't called me in a minute." she said nudging me and I laughed.

"You don't know that to be true." I laughed.

"And you don't know it to be false. Just live in the moment and worry about that when the time comes." she said before turning up her show. I guess I was bothering her too much.


My music stopped once again since I was getting yet another call while I was in the shower. I had just got in the shower and didn't know who was blowing my phone down.

Finally deciding to stick answer the phone, I looked and seen that it was Malika.

"Bro it took you long enough. The plan is in motion." she said and I gasped.

I was in the shower wasting time and we had places to be and things to do.

"I'm so sorry about that. You talked to T?" I asked washing my body real fast.

"Yeah, she's with me. We were just waiting on you and Camden." she said and I hurried and got out the shower.

I hurried and got dressed. I didn't put no lotion on just deodorant. I didn't care to be ashy but I wasn't going to be musty.

"Y'all at the spot?" I asked grabbing my bags out the closet.

"Bet. I'm about to call Camden and we are about to be on our way." I said before hanging up and calling Camden.

He wasted no time answering the phone. "Yeah ma?"

"It's time to go. Like right now." I said sliding on my crocs.

"Bet." he said before hanging up.

I rolled all my bags down the hall and into the living room where my mom was doing some work. She looked up and I nodded.

"Remember. I just want you to be safe." she said getting up and pulling me into a nice and warm embrace.

"You know we will." I said hugging her back and kissing her cheek.

"I love you." she said.

"I love you more." I replied

We stayed hugging each other until Camden had pulled up. That didn't take him long and even after that, I still didn't want to have to let her go. But I did.


We rolled up to 'Lika's father house and pulled into the back where her house was. She was till hugging her people and saying their see you laters. I seen the baby on her hip and gushed at how cute he was.

Saying see you later was kind of hard because we didn't know when we were going to be back if we were ever going to be back.

T, 'Lika and Alex all got into the car. Sending a few more waves and we were off on the road. It was time for us to say goodbye to what we were used to and hello to the new life that we were having to come accomplished to.

- they outta thereeee. where y'all think they going?
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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