g r a c i e - f i v e

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I was fixing to be on my third outfit change and I was about to get mad

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I was fixing to be on my third outfit change and I was about to get mad. I just didn't feel cute in anything that I had put on.

Boop had told me to be ready by 7:30 and it was 7:12 to be exact. Propping the phone up I called the only person that I thought could help me in this situation.

"Maaaa." I whined once she answered the phone.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" she asked and I knew that she was about to worry herself for no reason.

"I can find anything to wear and Camden is going to be here in a minute." I said stomping my feet some.

"I'm not understanding. You come home with clothes almost everyday. How don't you have anything to wear?" she asked. She just couldn't understand.

"None of them are giving what they are supposed to and I just feel really don't feel cute right now. I think Imma just cancel the date." I sighed sitting in the vanity chair.

"Would you please stop it? You look beautiful. You know I hate it when you talk like that. Especially when I'm not there to help you feel better. The outfit that you have on now is so pretty. Put your hair in a bun, some dangling earring and a nice bag you're all good. Now do what I said." she said and I nodded getting up and doing it.

She always knew how to make me feel better and as long as she was living, she was the number one on my call list if I needed anything.

By time that I was done doing that, the time was 7:38 and Camden was walking into the room with a frown on his face.

"Why you frowning boy?" my mom asked before I could even get the question out of my mouth.

"I have her like 6 hours to get ready and she still taking her time. You look beautiful tho." he said looking down at me and I smiled.

"Thank you." I was sure that I was turning red at that point.

He grabbed the phone to mute it before saying, "When we get back, I'm trying to dive into that ocean head first." he winked and I felt myself get wet.

"We can get it cracking right here.. right now." I said kissing him

"NASTY!" my mom said from the phone and I couldn't believe it. "Both of you!"

"I thought you put it on mute!" I said hitting his chest.

"Shidddd, I thought I did too!" he said and I still couldn't believe it. I was embarrassed and just hung up. She didn't get a goodbye or nothing.

"Now you can't dive into anything." I said and he laughed.

"I'm sorry mamas." he said bending down and kissing my forehead.

"She probably thinks I'm a whore now." I said laughing a little bit still shaking my head.

"Now you know damn well she don't think that. Let's go before we don't make it to where we need to be." he said holding us hand out for me to take and I gladly took it.

We made our way out the apartment and locked the doors behind us before making it to his car where he opened the door for me and I got in getting comfortable before he closed the door and got in himself.


The dinner had went very well. The food was bussing and we had some cheesecake afterwards. I lovvveeee cheesecake. We were now walking barefoot on the beach with the warm sand between our toes.

"I can't believe that you planned all this out by yourself." I said holding on to his hand while we walked.

"The dinner date? I did that. I wanted to do some more though because I feel like we always go out to eat so I really wouldn't wanna just eat and go home. I talked to your mom about it and she suggested that we do this." he said and I smiled.

I loved the relationship that him and my mom had. The fact that he was able to talk to her and plan stuff for me just made my heart smile.

"That is so cutttteee." I said pinching his cheek.

"Stop it." he said playfully biting my hand.

It was quiet for a moment while I created a boomerang of us walking in the sand and posting it on my story. The silence was a comfortable one as we just walked along the water occasionally getting hit by small waves.

"I got a question." he said.

"Hm?" I asked looking up at him.

"You should move in with me." he said pulling me in front of him and holding me by my waist.

This came as a shock to me but at the same time it didn't. With the amount of time that we had been spending with each other, I kinda felt this question coming on.

"Wellll." I started.

"I mean, you basically do already live with me. Just make the shit official you know what I mean? You can bring all your stuff from your moms house to mine." he said and I nodded understanding where he was coming from.

"What if I like living with my momma though?" I asked with a laugh and he laughed too. "No seriously. I don't want to move in with you right now. Eventually yeah. Like a house together and shit like that. You know?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I understand."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tippy toes giving him a kiss.

"We still finna go back to my crib though. I got some more shit planned for you." he said picking me up and running through the sand causing me to laugh and squeal.

"Everybody is going to see my goodies!" I said pulling my dress down because my ass cheeks was damn near hanging out.

He just laughed as we continued the car.

- y'all think g should move in w cam? i say yeah. i mean, they basically together everyday. minus well.
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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