m a l i k a - t w e l v e

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Alex and I sat on the bed watching Toy Story for like the fifth time today

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Alex and I sat on the bed watching Toy Story for like the fifth time today. If he liked it, I loved it I guess. I was just happy he wasn't terrorizing my friends. I picked him up off my bed and put him into his bed so that he was able to still watch the movie without moving.

I made sure he was cool and turned on the baby monitor and then made my way down stairs to see what they were doing down there. Before I made it to the bottom of the stairs, I was getting a FaceTime call from Justin.

"Sup gang." I said answering the phone sticking my tongue out to the side.

"I really didn't even call to talk to you. We ain't cool." he said and I frowned hanging up. He had me fucked up.

How he gon' try to disrespect me on my phone? He was crazies than I thought.

I went into the kitchen to make me something to eat. I decided to make a grilled cheese with some tomato soup. Chicago was cold and I was just trying to get something warm. This was the perfect thing for me. I turned on the soup and started to prep my bread.

My phone started ringing again and it was Malik this time. I answered the phone with a mug on my face.

"Well, hello my beautiful sister. You will have to excuse the actions of my brother earlier. He be out of his mind sometimes. Back to me and you, how are you?" he asked in the most proper voice I had ever heard him speak in.

"I'm doing well... thank you for asking." I said looking at him suspiciously because he kept looking away from the phone like somebody was coaching him to talk or something. "What do you want Malik?"

"I'm just trying to check up on my sister and my handsome nephew. Speaking of my nephew, where is he? Totally not asking for Justin by the way." he smiled and I smiled too about to hang up on him. "Wait! Girl you know we love you bald head. Just show us our nephew."

"He's upstairs watching his show and I'm in the kitchen making me something to eat." I said.

"You lying. Let me see." Justin said getting all up in the camera.

"Always think somebody lying to you." I said turning the camera around so that he could see that I was not lying to I'm and to let him know that Alex was not in the kitchen with me.

"Dang. Fat ass always eating. You need to go upstairs with phew phew bald head." Justin said giving me a stank face.

"See, I was gon' FaceTime y'all when II got back upstairs but since I'm fat and bald headed, I won't."

"Don't leaveeee, it's my fault." Malik started to sing in the camera with Justin behind him dancing. I just laughed watchin their foolery.

"Okay okay. I'll call y'all back when I'm back up in the room." I said.

"Thank you." they said blowing me a kiss before ending the call.

I couldn't lie and say that I didn't miss them. Have brothers was actually fun. Even though they acted like they were the ones that were older than me, they were pretty cool. Sometimes I wish that they were able to come with me.

Just sometimes though because they worked my damn nerves all the time and I just knew they got that from my dad. It was a good chance that Alex was going to be like that as well because Kenny worked my nerves all the time.

Deciding to make everyone a grilled cheese, I prepped them before putting them into the skillet and starting to get the plates ready.


I felt like I was going insane. Alex was sick and I didn't know what was wrong with him. I was crying and praying that he would be okay but it wasn't getting better.

I wished that I was able to take all the pain and suffering away from him and just have it for me. I hated to see him going through this.

The only time that he wasn't crying was when he was sleeping.

"You want to try to give him apple juice?" Camden asked coming into the room.

"Yea." I said taking it from him and trying to give it to Alex.

He took a sip of it before he pushed it away. He shook his head no and made a face like the juice was nasty or something.

"I don't know." I sighed and I could feel myself about to cry again.

"It'll get better. Get better gangsta." Cam said giving him a fist bump.

I just prayed that it would indeed get better. I hated this so bad for him.

- pray for our bby alex .
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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