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Malika sat in the nursery helping me take down the decorations

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Malika sat in the nursery helping me take down the decorations. Tiyahna was still gone back home to check up on and stay with her Grandma but was on FaceTime with us. She was determined to help us no matter where she was.

"I'm so happy for you." Malika said squealing again. "We are going to have a boy and girl. I wonder how their bond is going to be. I hope it's a good one."

"Your baby better be nice to mine. He give off the vibes that he's going to bite her and I don't like that. I got to watch out for him." I said squinting my eyes at him while he played with his toys in the corner of the room.

"Leave my baby alone. He is not gonna bite Que." Malika said shaking her head. That baby could really do no wrong in her eyes and I loved that for him because he could be evil at times and she would never know. I wanted to be slick like that.

"Her name is so cuteeee." Tiyahna said from the phone. "Myquelle. That's so different. Where did you get hat name from?"

"I'm so glad you asked." I said setting in the rocking chair while they laughed. "Y'all just don't know how long I had been waiting for someone to ask me that. Around the summer of 7th grade I met this group of girls. We were internet friends because we had met on Instagram. Long story short, Que was my fucking friend to the end. We still are friends to this day but homegirl helped me through a lot. Sometimes I feel like I owe her my life you know? I feel like you wouldn't know me to be the person that you know I am right now. I probably wouldn't be here right now." I said and they nodded completely understanding.

I really loved my friend Que and I hope that she understood what she was to me and how much she matters me. The things that she had done for me hadn't gone unknown or abandoned.

"I could shed a tear." Malika said patting her eyes and I laughed a lil bit.

"Y'all can't be gay and cry if I ain't being gay and crying." I said fanning my eyes so that I wouldn't cry.

"Y'all not about to make me cry." T said laughing. "I'll call y'all back. This is chase on the other line."

"Gone 'head! Don't worry about us we gon' be okay." Malissa said sticking her tongue out.

"You get on my nerves." T laughed before hanging up the phone.

I was honestly so happy for her and Chase. She said that they were only friends and I was happy for that she didn't seem like she was still thinking on Jonathan. That had really took a toll on her and that's something that you would expect with that being her first love and all.

Malika on the other hand, I think she was just focusing on her son and herself for the time being. Alex was the only man that she wanted in her life. I was happy with all my friends being happy. This bought me more happiness.


Packing was crucial. Time was slipping away fast and we had to hurry up and get out of there as fast as possible. We couldn't risk getting caught with Malika or the baby.

This time we were taking a plane. It was hard to pack fast with a belly in my way.

"This time my homie hooked us up with a plane." Camden said coming into the room and helping me pack up the stuff.

"You got the next destination in mind?" I asked and he nodded. "Where?"

"Just know it's going to be cold." he said and I nodded. I didn't even feel like questioning him some more.

I had trusted him and everything that he had for us. He had never lead us wrong before so I had no reason to.

I was quite tired from the packing and decided to lay down. I could finish this shit later.

"I'll finish it for you. Don't worry. Get some rest." he said kissing me on the forehead.

I smiled. "Thank you baby."

- chile big momma need a break. dis tew mush. this was another filler.
- shout out my homegirl que.
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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