t i y a h n a - t w e l v e

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Sitting in the hospital chair, next to the bed I watched as Grandma watched The Golden Girls

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Sitting in the hospital chair, next to the bed I watched as Grandma watched The Golden Girls. No matter where she went, she was going to find a way to watch her favorite old ladies.

We still weren't talking like that. She would really only speak to Uncle Jason and pay me no mind. I tried to tell myself that I was fine with it but in reality, it was eating me up. I didn't feel like I was in the wrong and she most likely felt the same way.

The words she said to me that day had cut me deep. I honestly thought that we were better than that. Calling me a disappointment like my mother was just something that I couldn't shake. I would often have it replaying in my head because it was just shocking to hear.

She said things that reminded me of my mother. In all the worst ways though. That shit was literally traumatizing. Things that I had told her about when I was venting. She said those same things to me. I was fucked up about it.

I was so glad that I wasn't pregnant. I was also glad that me and Uncle Jason was on better terms. Not talking to them was really disheartening and I couldn't take it.

"Psst." Uncle Jason said coming into the room. Me and Grandma both turned our heads into that direction. "T, come here real quick." he said and stepped out he room again.

I didn't know what he wanted but I was happy to get out that tension thick ass room. I got up yawning and fixing my clothes before joining him in the hallway.

"I got you some coffee." he said handing me the Starbucks cup in which I thanked him. "She still not talking to you?" he asked and I shook my head.

"My thing is, I want to be the bigger person because I feel like it's childish on her end. I feel like she doesn't want to admit that she was the one that was in the wrong but instead wants me to kiss her ass. I can't do that. I did that for way too long. When am I going to be the one that gets the first sorry? You are literally the only one who has said sorry first. It's always me who's saying sorry when it's not my fault. Fuck that." I said before even realizing that I had cussed. "Sorry-." I started but he stopped me.

"Nah, you are allowed to express yourself. I understand where you are coming from. I think that she is going to say something when she realizes that you aren't because again, she knows that she's the one in the wrong. You have every right to feel the way that you feel. Just give it time. I have to get back to work, I'll check on you later." he said before kissing my cheek.

I nodded and made my way back into the room and sat back in my chair before getting on my phone.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." she said and I looked up at her. she was now looking at me. "When I said what I said, I said it out of anger. I felt like I was failing you just as I had felt like In failed Tina. Then I had to sit back and realize that I was hurting you in the same ways that your mother had hurt you before. I... I just expected better from you and didn't know how to react." she said and I can see that she was sincere about it.

"I was disappointed in myself as well, I really could have went without hearing that from you and Uncle Jason. I'm only human Grandma. As much as you want me to be this perfect little angel, I can't. I literally can do nothing about it. I'm young and I can be dumb. Let's just be thankful that I didn't have to go through something that was really going to mess me up." I said looking at her,

She nodded taking in everything that I had said before responding. "You are young and you have your whole life ahead of you. I just want you to be safe." she said patting the bed next to her.

I made my way over there and sat down before hugging her. "I promise, I'll try my best Grandma."

"I love you Tiyahna." she said hugging back.

"I love you more."


I walked out of the European Wax Center and made my way to the rental car that I was riding in. It felt good to have a wax again.

"Tiyahna Rowe?" a police officer came up to me showing me his badge.

"That's me.. what the the problem officer?" I asked confused on why they were walking up on me.

"We need to take you down for the station for questioning." he said and I made a face. "About the missing child Alex Remedy and his mother, Malika Hawkins."

"Well officer, I can tell you right now that I don't know nothing about that. I pray that they are both returned home safely. That has nothing to do with me though. And if you don't have a warrant for my arrest. I would like it if you got out my way so that I can go home. Thank you." I said and he moved out my way allowing me to get in the car. I slowly backed out the parking space and left.

I was scared shitless but had to act like I wasn't. I couldn't believe that they wanted to talk to me about Malika and Alex. This shit was getting scary now.

I had to let them know back at home ASAP because I didn't know what other tricks them pigs had up their sleeves.

- the police always in black people business i hate that for them.
- comment vote and share for the biggest blessings💞
-still the non editing qween🫠

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