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The Tsuranga Conundrum (Part 1)

"We're never gonna find one!" Ryan yelled. The fam were currently gathered on a planet full of scrap and junk looking for a part that the Doctor needed for the TARDIS.

"'Course we are!" the Doctor replied, "I've programmed the detector specifically. I found seven the last time that I was here." It didn't boost Charlotte's spirits.

"And how long did that take you?" Graham asked the Time Lady.

"It couldn't have been more than a month! Unless that was Seffilun 59."

"Which one is this?" Yasmin called.

"Seffilun 27. Maybe 59's the one with the big pile of these. That's the problem with junk galaxies, all the planets look the same. It's hard to keep track."

"I am not spending a month doing this," Charlotte sighed. "It's hopeless."

"Don't say that, baubles! We'll find it in no time!"

"If we've wasted four hours on the wrong planet..." Graham started.

"Oi, who took you rainbathing in the upward tropics of Kinstarno?" the Doctor retorted.

"Oh, no, no, that was amazing. I was just saying, like needle--" Graham motioned to the detector, "haystack." He motioned to the junkyard.

"Yeah, you might be right," the Doctor admitted. Charlotte heard a buzzing coming from Graham's detector and her eyes brightened.

"Have you found it?" she asked excitedly, walking to Graham's side. The Doctor dug through the junk, revealing a flashing red device that made Charlotte's blood go cold.

"You're kidding me," she breathed out. The device didn't look friendly at all.

"I'm sorry," the Doctor said solemnly.

"What's he found?" Yasmin asked her.

"Nobody move." She scanned the device with her sonic screwdriver. "If I can keep it in temporal lock...No, there are too many sensors, it won't work. It was camouflaged. This is someone's idea of a nasty joke."

"What is it?" Yasmin asked her once more.

"Sonic mine. It's counting down."

"How long?" Charlotte asked quietly.

"Three, two--"

Charlotte's vision went black and she felt herself lose consciousness.

"I can't find their med tags," a woman said as the Doctor slowly came to. "This is how rubbish I am at this. You'd think it'd be simple enough."

"Mabli, stop beating yourself up. I'm sure there's a simple explanation," a man replied. Everything was blurry and even the sound was muffled, which the Doctor didn't like. She needed to aware of everything that was going on around her. She needed to protect her friends. She pushed herself off her back, vision clearing swiftly to reveal to her that she was sitting on a hospital chair.

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